Screenshot of the Week: Voting for week of 6-27


Vote by simply stating who you are voting for by looking through this thread. I will keep a running tally in this post until the end of the week where I will post the top three winners. Voting ends Friday July 4th...

Here is the list... Leader is in bold... PLEASE NO VOTING FOR YOURSELF!

007007 0
slave-driver 0
tads. 3
sg1 2
PVincent342 0
titaniclover 0
gfisher 2
kilanziom 0
isa 0
Dermmy 3
AJ_Fox 0
ex-railwayman 0
campbell5149 0
Padster 0
Communist 2
Gandalf0444 1
Sabertooth 0
SR6900 1
dietrichj 0
lewisner 1
Sparky123456 0
maartentje 2
roymac 0
lilb 1
sethmcs 0
K4driver 0
Klinger 0
iceman2117 0
Michael_Evans 0

Up to date as of BREEHAH...

Please vote and GOOD LUCK!!!

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I had a hard time between maartentje's harbor shot and Communist's shot. In the end I'm gonna go with maartentje for the fact that I have never seen anything like that done in TRS before. AWESOME!!! I also counted Colhad's vote from the main thread so unless he changes his mind, his vote is cast...

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My vote goes to tads. for his brilliant pic of the weathered 9F crossing the bridge.
Absolutely stunning!

Hayden Lynch
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I vote for Dermmy. Nice shot of the gradient there.

Best wishes,

Oh, and I think that Communists entry should be declared void. We can't have people voting for themselves, it will set a precedent.

Best wishes,
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Yeah, I think it would be better that way. Communist and Campbell please revote for someone else. Thanks...

It was a tough one this week,I had 3 favorites,but to only choose 1...

My vote goes to Communist,for his 1000 ton 58 scene,a truly great shot,captures the moment perfectly.:)

Thank's to all who entered and voted,top job.