Screenshot of The Week: June 3 to June 17 2024 (No Theme)



1. Weekly SSoTW cycles are extended to bi-weekly to allow more entries to join in.
2. There will still be occasional themed weeks but this would be reserved for major holidays and notable dates.
3. There will no longer be a voting week after submissions close.
4. You can vote for entries as soon as they're posted by "liking" them, so send your entries in early to give it a longer voting period.
5. You can "like" as many entries as you want!
6. The "likes" are tallied at the end of each cycle and results posted as usual. Any "likes" after this are not counted.
7. If you have feedback or suggestions regarding the new system, feel free to also leave them in the replies below.

There is no theme this week.
One screenshot allowed per entrant. Screenshots must adhere to the Trainz Forum Code of Conduct.

Submissions and voting close on June 17.

Small town in deep France , stormy weather:

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There seems to be a missing summing-up and next-thread announcement here.
@PWeiser - Nope, not yet. Though I have returned to working on the Hangman layout again.

I've been re-watching all of the excellent video coverage on YouTube re; the original layout, and have found some areas that need rebuilding.

For example, this area I originally built with a wood tie retaining wall, but after watching this video again, I rebuilt the section with the custom log bridge, as depicted starting at the 1:10 minmark.
No idea how I missed that detail !

This is how it looks now




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@ricomon35 - Sorry, good info on the route but

My message was meant to draw attention to this SSotW thread having reached its end on the 17th but Nick has not posted the summary of "like" counts. Not a problem, I hope.
Voting is now closed. My apologies for the delayed week. I typically do this first thing on Monday in the office but last Monday was a public holiday and amidst a hectic day it slipped my mind.

24 giraud
23 peterwise
19 dartrider
19 epoche3bis4
12 zsuda
11 arhian7
11 hiawathamr
9 ricomon35
Hello from france , thank you for voting for this screnn ... And don't worry Nicky , you are too kind to assume the organization of this competition...

With my best wishes, Marc