Screenshot of The Week: December 18 to December 25 (Christmas)


Seasons' greetings.

Happy holidays to all. This week's theme is Christmas. Please send your theme suggestions for subsequent competitions via email or Skype by clicking on the little icons below my username.

One screenshot allowed per entrant. Screenshots must adhere to the theme and the Trainz Forum Code of Conduct.

Submission closes on December 25 at 12:00 noon UTC/GMT/Zulu time.

I think I'll start this contest off . . .

Christmas Eve, 6:30 PM. Though there is no snow in the forecast, that doesn't prevent the magic of Christmastime from bringing time to a standstill. But the freezing of time doesn't effect The Polar Express from making it's annual trip across the country, stopping in different places and giving children the chance of a lifetime to travel to the North Pole to see the real Santa Claus. Here we see the train breaking the silence that has befallen the former Clinchfield Railroad (now part of CSX), stopping in front of a row of houses in downtown Dante, Virginia to pick up a lucky child as it travels across the southeastern United States before returning to the North Pole. Hopefully twin brothers Smokey (the fireman) and Steamy (the engineer) will get the train there with time to spare. Meanwhile, the Conductor will have his hands full keeping the rambunctious children under control on the way to the North Pole.

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It's a cold December morning. A light snow is falling, but not accumulating (the local farmers made sure of that), and the final shipment of popular Christmas gifts is racing down the mainline. If this train gets delayed, thousands of kids will wake up on the big day to nothing under their trees...

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Submissions are now closed. There are 10 entries for this round so up to 2 votes are allowed. Voting will be from now until January 1, 1200nn UTC. Please post your votes below.

Hard to choose, but I reckon my picks would have to be:


In the spirit of Christmas they all have to be winners but if we need to choose,


Best wishes to all. Peter