Screen Shot Of The Week?

Allot of the railroad websites I am on have this thread or area called the Photo Of The Week .Basically the best picture gets famed. Well, I was thinking, why not do that here. Have a screen shot of the week. It would be judged every week, you can only submit one picture, and if you win, like lets say you won May 30'th. You can't submit for the June 6'th contest. Good idea, bad idea?
Oh....Adam or John will have us beat on this topic...Thats for sure....:wave:

Heres one to add to start it off I guess:

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oh well they can be banned i guess
Mine :)
Wow Nikos...Very nice....How big is your route that your working on there?? and is that CSX unit out yet???
Only one screen shot WCL, sorry. I guess this is gonna be a new thing. Sweet. This weeks ends then On June 6'th. Every Friday a new contest will start. We will use the same thread, but I'll seperate the dates some how. lol. Continue, this is looking great!
New York & Atlantic #271 leads empty RS81 westbound through New Hyde Park on a rainy 2004 Long Island day.

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Ooooh I like these threads ! :D

Heres my entry, some good looking shots here !


Fred and Tom enjoy a 5 minute chat after returning home from work. The 156 is now destined for Severnbridge TMD, to be stabled overnight.

Many thanks,