school trip


Trainz operator
This morning I went to the interchange on a geography trip to do a question are and on the way guess what I saw on the mainline.

A car transporter heading to the local train station.

Freight trains are so rare that i have never seen one up close on that line in my entire life except for a garbage train.I am still exited even though the excitement has passed.:eek: I wish that I had bought a camera with me.
oooo , thats what it was like before i went to DC and i never saw a Freight Train Close up or bi-lelvels or even superliners
I think that bi levels are like those car transporters because those (I think) have a dip in the middle.

What you said about you had never seen freight trains before reminds me of the first time I went to sandy.
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I think that bi levels are like those car transporters because those (I think) have a dip in the middle.
bi-level and car transporters are very a-like :hehe:

I have always seen freight trains because the railroad in my town only ships freight. The first time I saw a passenger train was at night. I was at Old Saybrook train station when a P42 and I think it was pulling superliners pulled into the station.
Thats strange because I always think that there are passenger only lines where passenger trains appear frequently and goods trains come along those lines rarely or there are freight and passenger lines which you could problery guess what that is

I wonder why passenger trains rarely go down that line.

P.S.I like that picture of that bi level disguising its self as being a freight car.

[whisper]I think it's going on a mission of some sort.
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With both a CN and CP mainline running though my city all we see is freight and coal. I think it would be nice to see a (short) passenger train once in a while. :D
I guess I'm lucky in that I live near the West Coast Mainline, which for those unfamiliar with British geography is one of the main routes to Scotland. As a result I've seen loads of stuff, both freight and passenger. That said, apart from the pendos and voyagers it tends to be unexciting backwater passenger service though such as Sprinters, Pacers, and those single car units that look like half a sprinter (Class 153 - built by Leyland - doesn't have an exciting name) - not enough people in Cumbria to justify Turbostars etc, though First have started running two-coach units along the Maryport line to cope with the summer demand.

How's this for a short train?

EDIT: Actually the 153 is half a sprinter!
I don't think that could be classed as a train I think it's more like a locomotive. and if it is then it could be classed as the worlds shortest train
I wish I could see a passenger train in my town. It used to be a major stop on the NH with a five track station, but now there is only one track and an abandon station
so it's got only one platform that is now being used. What happened to it?

this is the most fun that I have had in days
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so it's got only one platform that is now being used. What happened to it?

this is the most fun that I have had in days
The station is no longer being used. The tracks were washed out in a flood, and not a-lot of people took the train so they abandoned the four tracks. Then when the highway was built they abandoned the station. In front of the platform is an abandoned track, next to that is the P&W mainline only used for freight, and where the other three tracks were is a parking lot. There is a sandwitch shop on the platform and they are rebuilding the station but I haven't heard any talk about commuter railroads.

P.S. could that bi-level be the next James Bond?
bi-level and car transporters are very a-like :hehe:

I have always seen freight trains because the railroad in my town only ships freight. The first time I saw a passenger train was at night. I was at Old Saybrook train station when a P42 and I think it was pulling superliners pulled into the station.
Not bi-levels like those even though i have seen those

I mean the ones by Metra,VRE,CalTrain..........