Say hello to U.S. Locomotive Works!


JointedRail Cust. Service
We are happy to announce our new group, U.S. Locomotive Works. The new group has been created as a result of the merger of USTrainz and Trainz Locomotive Works.

The new web address for our group once the website is complete will be : . Bookmark it now!

Once the new website is up and running our old domain names will auto-forward you to this new site.

What does this mean for you guys in the Trainz Community?

Through this new group our potential has grown two-fold. We have twice as many active members and twice as many creative ideas! The UST Locomotive Project will still go on, and any current files that are on the USTrainz and Trainz Locomotive Works sites WILL move to the new site. This has already been secured thru the creators of these items and we thank them for that!

Does this mean were going to go payware?

No this does not mean we are going to go payware on anything on our site. The U.S. Locomotive Works site will remain freeware entirely.

Anything we would decide to do payware would be found on , our portal for payware addons for Trainz.

What happens to the current projects being done by both teams?

All projects either team are currently working on will go on, just under the new group name. Our Reading & Northern route will still be worked on and hopefully ready for release by November or so, and with the new group this should add the help that we need to get it done on that timeline. Anything TLW had in progress will go the same way.

If anyone has any questions or anything please feel free to post them here or shoot me an email and we can go from there.

Kevin Y.
U.S. Locomotive Works

CONGURT!:cool: So I happy that they have NEW A WEB SITE so make me very excited and I cant wait for NOVEMBER!!!!!!!!:p Cheers cheers =)
Well, the SuperHuman has formed!
With TLW and UST now part of each other, i dont think there is much of a chance for other sites. (now, wheres that dramatic music???:p )
what ya know! one point in time it had to happen. :p
congrats guys! cant wait to see some good content comin out!:cool: :wave: :D

:udrool: :udrool: :udrool: :mop: :mop: :mop:
Corperate Merges intrege me who bought who out or is this one of those stockmarket secrets that we never find out LOL :hehe:
Corperate Merges intrege me who bought who out or is this one of those stockmarket secrets that we never find out LOL :hehe:

Eh Corporate Secret...though it was more of a mutual decision than anything.

Thanks for all the well wishes guys...It's really appreciated!!
Leave it to dreddman to see through the subterfuge. :'( We can't hide anything from him.
This is going to be a great combination.:)


Ps, guess I'll have to change my sig now.
na, i was thinkinh more like a pipeorgan Thorn.
Well, what to do now?
i would love to ask for quite some help with Gmax, so i can get around to making the Century series.
Good luck guys with USLW!
Forum Moderater. How do i sign up? PM for E-mail.

I can't create nothing so could i be a Forum Moderater or what can i do?

Please let me be a forum moderater. Please

And does it cost anything to sign up?

enough with the Borat...

I really can't wait to get working with this new group of guys. Every one of them is talented and a lot of fun to be around!

so...heres one to USLW!!!! :wave:
