Saving Skins in 2006


New member
Upon completing a re-skin,and attempting to save,the program opens again in "Paintshed Templates" and not in "Current Search" as per the instruction manual.

An exhaustive search does not produce the reskin anywhere at all.

Any advice on where I am going wrong would be appreciated.

Regards. Alan.
What are you trying to reskin? Generally these days its often easier to just reskin something rather than use paintshed.

Cheerio John
John. Thanks for your quick reply.

It was the "Alco-Simple Stripe" template which is used in the Trainz manual example.
I'm pretty sure I achieved the reskin in 2004 a good while ago, but no joy today.
Just to show my ignorance, how is a reskin achieved without using Paintshed?

Regards. Alan.
Bammers, you can edit the .jpg file when you open what your trying to reskin in explorer. I wonder are you saving it correctly with PS, I havnt had any trouble with Ps in TS06...
John. Thanks for your quick reply.

It was the "Alco-Simple Stripe" template which is used in the Trainz manual example.
I'm pretty sure I achieved the reskin in 2004 a good while ago, but no joy today.
Just to show my ignorance, how is a reskin achieved without using Paintshed?

Regards. Alan.

I did a write up in the wikibook that takes you through the steps.

I think I use Paintshop Pro but you can use either or GIMP both are free to edit the texture files. Note the .tga file has to be saved as uncompressed.

Try it its fairly easy and it opens up many more possibilities than Paintshed.

Note to Koondawg, did you mean .bmp rather than .jpg? Paintshed used .bmp files, we tend not to use .jpg files due to the extra processing they require.

Cheerio John
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Note to Koondawg, did you mean .bmp rather than .jpg? Paintshed used .bmp fires, we tend not to use .jpg files due to the extra processing they require.
I think that would be files not FIRES...:hehe:

Yes John, I was a work and couldn't recall the exact extension. But I do have a question for you...

I use layering when reskining, I feel it makes the lettering and logos blend in better. Do you do layering when skining or just color change?
And I have a loco I reskined and it has a shiny, silver almost, translucent sheen to it...but other skins I have do not have this

I think that would be files not FIRES...:hehe:

Yes John, I was a work and couldn't recall the exact extension. But I do have a question for you...

I use layering when reskining, I feel it makes the lettering and logos blend in better. Do you do layering when skining or just color change?
And I have a loco I reskined and it has a shiny, silver almost, translucent sheen to it...but other skins I have do not have this


I use a rather special keyless keyboard in a Dvorak layout. The zones for the letter R and L are close together and sometimes it picks up the wrong letter.

Layering doesn't make any difference to the final appearance but the way the mesh was created does. GMAX is capable of shiny textures, have a look at Romulus, but 3ds Max does offer a wider range of textures that can be imported into Trainz. The 3d Canvas exporter is reputed to have a little more capability than GMAX and there is hope for Blender.

Cheerio John
John and Koon.

Many thanks for your advice.

Koon, I am encouraged by the fact that you haven't had any problems with Paintshed in 2006. I shall persevere for a while longer, happy in the knowledge that the trouble is with my ability and not the program nor the computer.

John, I had a look at your write up in Wikibook and my first impression was, "If I can't crack Paintshed, I've got no chance with this lot".

If all else fails with Paintshed however, I will have a go at your tutorial so be prepared for many screams for help in the months to come.

Regards. Alan