SAR Signals in TRS2006


New member
I'm new to Trainz but having a go and trying to build my own route, recreating the South Australian Railways and maybe more in time. At this stage though I have no idea about signals and which one to use when. I've look at Razorback Railways website and saw two basic tutorials and also downloaded the Signal Guide (SAR) for TRS2006. I think I've worked out some of them but just wondering if someone can fill in some blanks for me and confirm I am right with the ones I do understand:

Signal 002 = Merging to track/mainline on right

Signal L002 = Merging to track/mainline on left

Signal 004 = Non Permissive and track continues straight

Signal 005 = Permissive and track continues straight

dwarf = on track sidings

These are the only signals I can find so far but wondering what Signal 001, 003, L001, and L003 are used for????

I also admit when it comes to putting together a lot of merging track, such as at the central station in Adelaide where a large number of lines cross and merge to allow trains in and out of any station platform, I have no idea what type of signal I should be using, where they need to be placed and how many I should be looking to use. Do I need to divide each and every section of this track or can I simply put signals at each end of where the tracks converge??? I note from looking at the real version that they dont really have that many signals even though they have a lot of track merging, and yet miltiple trains can be in this area where all the tracks meet.

Any help in explaining this stuff would be much appriciated.
Hi engioc,
Im also currently working on my own version of Adelaide (based around c. 2000) Im quite into signalling and i like to have it as prototipical as possible, but unfortunately the trainz signallin system doesnt work as well as it should.
In sa theres basically two typed of signal, absolute (or home signals) and permissive (sometimes called automatic signals especially in victoria) the automatic signals are the ones with the two heads staggered across the signal psot, ie the 005 and 003 signals. the home signals are the ones with the lights in a vetircal line (the 001, 002 and 004s) basically the top head of any signal is for normal speed routes and the bottom head is for medium speed routes (like entering loops or crossovers or sharp curves etc) the home (absolute) signals are ones that cannot be passes at stop (they may be protecting a junction or a crossover etc) and the permissive ones are used on unidirectional line and can be passed at stop after one minute. the 001 signals have a third light that can light up yellow to give a 'low speed' aspect for entering yards or occupied track etc. in real life (unlike in trainz) the lower on the '001's is normally off but in trainz for some reason it shows red (this can be fixed through the signals config file)
Basically the trainz system has 4 main aspects (stop, clear, caution and advanced caution) and each of these (except stop) can also be 'modified' to 'left' or 'right' (example 'advanced caution left' the next signal is at caution and the next junction is set to the left) but unfortunately in trainz if there is more than one junction between one signal and the next, the wrong aspects can be displayed. 'converging' (trailing) junctions work fine in trainz 2004, but stupidly they dont in 2006, even though the game documentation explains tha they do.
also in real life the '003' signals are used to warn of a medium speed signal ahead (by showing 'reduce to meium speed' yellow over green) but in trainz these signals are programmed to show 'yellow over green' for the advanced caution aspect, so they arent very prototypical. the 001s in trainz dont ever show the low speed aspect unless programmed to by script, but you can modify the confic file so that this is one of the other aspects and then use inisible signals to get fairly prototypical arrangements.
As to what the 'L003' etc are for these are for left divergances where as the '003' etc are for right divergances.
As for signalling big yards like adelaide, originally (up untill about 1990) each platform simply had a motor dwarf (semaphore disc) at the end to indicate 'low speed' but since 1990 there are 'BR' style signals that have a theatre-box route indicator, the easiest way to signal adelaide in trainz would probably be to just use the 'misc dwarf' signal at the end of the paltforms or the 'uk 3 aspect'.
also experiment with the signals config files to try and get more prototypical aspects (example make an 002 that only shows 'medium speed' for the exit from loops or the entrance to adelaide yard)
also have a look at

sorry about the really long reply!!
hope this helps,


Thanks Frosty, I appreciate the advice. Just one thing, when you say Home signal does that have any special meaning apart from the fact they're non-permissive (I understand this means they cant be passed at red).

I've not done any scripting or looked at config files yet but will take a look and see what I can do, signals that don't work correctly only makes thing more confusing, and of course I'd like a route properly signal and working as in real life, or as close as possible.

I haven't gone too far with my route, only done Adelaide to Goodwood but without any of the Keswick/Interstate yard. I want it to be as close as I can to the real thing although I must admit in some areas I might make some small changes or what I consider improvements eg eventually I might extend the rails beyond Noarlunga (which has been proposed a few times for real anyway).

May I ask how much of Adelaide you've covered so far?
Yes home signals are generally considered to be the non-permissive ones. Although the term really comes from the days when trains were controlled from signal boxes; home signals were ones which were controlled, and automatics were uncontolled. although it was still possible to have a non-permissive automati signal!

My progress with adelaide has been in bits and pieces, so far ive got all of the track down from adelaide to goodwood, (icluding keswic terminal and most of the rail-car depot) and from goodwood to oaklands ive so-far jsut got track, no textures or scenery yet! Ive been taking meausrement off maps to try and get everything in the correct scale and all the distances correct, and i also hope to eventually include the north main and port main lines as well....
I might be getting a little carried away...but

I'd like to do the entire Adelaide rail, Noarlunga line, Belair, Outer Harbor/Grange, and Gawler, and the Barossa as I'd like to make some industries there for activities. Infact TRS and PC permitting I'd like to go a lot further than that but that really is getting carried away considering I've not even completed one line yet :).
I gather there's been little/no advance on this?

I'd love to get some Adelaide routes - especially the OH/Grange lines.
(Be great if the class 2000 {Jumbos} were available too (not to mention the Superchooks)....

Please post if things progress that far!!
Hi troz,
I had grand plans computer exploded. And i lost all my progress.... But now that I am on holidays from uni I plan to start again, using the 'base-maps' asset and google earth. But i think instead of going south first i will go north and do the port line, but I was sort of lost interest once i lost all my progress :(. But there is about half of the norlunga line available on the dls, but it was created in the trainz 2004 days, and while still quite good, uses mostly older content, so it is probably time for a 're-build'