San Juan Trainz Workz


The Silver San Juan
Howdy folks. Well, my move is done. I'm slowly getting back to my Trainz stuff. For those that have emailed me, I will be getting back to you all very shortly.

Now, concerning email. My email account has changed. It still starts with sanjuantrainzworkz, but the provider is different. See the email link in my profile or on this message.

I'll be getting back to the K-28's. Hope to have the first ones released soon(tm) ;)

Welcome back Todd, hope the move went smoothly. I'm still hunting for things that went missing from our last move 19 years ago !

Don't think there is a direct link to your new email there though, either in the message or your profile(maybe it was removed for anti-spam reasons). I guess the email indirectly through Auran in your profile works though ?

Dave Bird
Hi Todd,
You've mispelled cabooses:( but I'm glad you're back.
Great work you do and looking forward to more.:Y:

Welcome back

Welcome back Todd. Hope the move went smoothly. I hate moving worse than anything. Packing all my stuff is the pits!!!!!

Been working on an 1890 version of the Cumbres & Toltec, back when they were still using D&RGW locos & rolling stock, that is nearly ready after 6 months of hard work. Gotta tell you, your C&TS version locos and tenders look really sweet running that entire 67 mile route:)

Look forward to the K-28 releases when you can get to them

Cumbres & Toltec

Yea, this will be a public release when it is finished for TRS 06. I have been working with Hawkeye Fultz - he is working on a modern day version of the C&TSNGRR. This route has been a labor of love for me.

My original partner, Arum went back to school for his senior year in high school and had to quite Trainz for the year. Too many senior activities for any Trainz work. I told him I would finish the route we started last year and give him credit for the GMax work he contributed. Will have some screenshots soon. Stay tuned.

Just a question, does anyone know how tall OM and OY are? In overall height. After working on my Rotary, I dont think that a Narrow Gauge Rotary is 16 feet tall....I need to rebuild it a bit I think, but I would like to know what they should be

Welcome back, and congrats on your sucessful move!!!!!:cool: My the times roll by fast, I must be getting old. High school does that to you.