San Francisco?

I am doing the cable car route built on the dem map done by "fishlipsatwork" he did many dem maps of the states.
All the track is layed and some feature areas ( such as Catherdral Square & Lombard St)are done; am now trying to locate as many suitable buildings as possible.
But don't expect the route to be finished for some condiderable time,as I have never been there, I will be asking for info from time to time.

Thanks for responding. You do have a job in front of you. I used to live there many years ago. It's kinda nostalgic to me. I loved riding the cable cars. AND, love fisherman's wharf.

Got any screen shots to share???;)
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I hear Google has done a street level "mapping" of San Francisco. I don't know if it has been released yet but it sure would be a big help.
In the mean time the next best thing is Microsoft's Virtual Earth.
Would be interesting to see the San Francisco trams on Trainz. People well know about the cable cars but don't realise there are trams too.
Here are a couple of Pic's of work in progress with plenty of changes or additions to them in the future.




Ps The tram in the above Pic is only used to test the track work.
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Great stuff NormP, as usual :udrool:

Is there an update on any Brisbane Tram projects at all?

Would be interesting to see the San Francisco trams on Trainz. People well know about the cable cars but don't realise there are trams too.

Not only are the trains there trams. The streets in San Francisco are littered with overhead trolley wire's for all of the trolley bus's.

Edit: After thinking about it I don't recall any trams there. Where are they at? Unless your thinking of the street cars, that's what I was thinking of when I first read this.
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Here are a couple of Pic's of work in progress with plenty of changes or additions to them in the future.


Ps The tram in the above Pic is only used to test the track work.

That looks very very nice and realistic. The only thing I would add would be overhead wires for the trolley bus's that run all over San Francisco.

Edit: Only on the cross streets in this area though.
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Very cooool. Nice job so far.;)

I, too, was refering to the old cable car but this is great. At least someone is doing it.:)

Hi bnsf50,

Over the pond you call them streetcars we call them trams. The same thing. The cable car looks really great here.
In answer to a few questions.
I don't have any pic's of trolly O'head wires or their routes so would not know on wich cross streets to place any for show.
The tram in the pic is a Brisbane Baby Dreadnaught (made by Motorman1066)it looked to be about the same size and length of a Cable car,so was used for checking curved track.
I will need someone to make a couple of the landmark buildings for the route! any takers Please?.
The Bne Tram route is in very slow mode at the moment as I need more buildings to complete the project.
If anybody didn't recognise the streets depicted, they are Hyde St. and California St from Van Ness Ave.
Glad you enjoyed the pics, mabe there will be a few more in the coming months.

I don't have any pic's of trolly O'head wires or their routes so would not know on wich cross streets to place any for show.
The tram in the pic is a Brisbane Baby Dreadnaught (made by Motorman1066)it looked to be about the same size and length of a Cable car,so was used for checking curved track.

Funny, it looks very very simliar to a tram that has been on and off on updates....

(I've added a bit more since then.)
In answer to a few questions.
I don't have any pic's of trolly O'head wires or their routes so would not know on which cross streets to place any for show.


Ok If you're running the cable car down to Market St, which is where the man operated turn table is. The operator's turn the cable car around by hand. There are what I call street cars which are green and yellow, the real old ones, originals as far as I know, trains that run down the center of Market St. deriving there power from overhead wires. These trains run all the way out to the Avenues which is the beach area of San Francisco.
Then also running on Market St. are the electric bus's that get there power from overhead wires. These bus's run all over the place. Some now are the triple units. You could run the overhead wires for these bus's on just about any st. in S.F. and be safe, except for the super steep st. like parts of California where the cable car runs.
And then there is also the BART "Bay Area Rapid Transit" which is the subway system running under Market St.. It also runs under the bay to Oakland, and south toward San Jose.
You probably already know that the cable car ends or actually goes through a turn table at Ghirardelli Square, the chocolate factory, which is about 2 blocks from Fisherman's Wharf.
So You could really have fun adding the different transportation if you built Market St into your route.
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Actually BART goes down the East side of the bay only as far as central Fremont. It goes down the West side as far as the San Francisco Airport, which is not in San Francisco.
Actually BART goes down the East side of the bay only as far as central Fremont. It goes down the West side as far as the San Francisco Airport, which is not in San Francisco.

Yes thats called South City where the airports at, about 15 miles south of Geneva Avenue, which is the southern border of San Francisco. Daley City is in between Geneva Av. and South City. My wife was raised on Carassel St. across from the cow palace on Geneva Ave..