Running Trs 04 in widescreen and in windowed mode.


Empire Builder
2 quick questions.

1. Is it possible to run 04 in widescreen (specifically 1440x900), ive heard it can be chagned in the options.txt file but i dont not see anything dealing with resolution in there.

2. How do you run trainz in windowed mode, im running dual monitors at the moment and normally when i move the mouse to montior #2 it has to minimize trainz. Plus i want to see if I can run MSTS and Trainz at the same time :o (multitasking) though i doubt my graphics card could handle both at "good" fps .
You shouldn't need to change anything to get wide screen ???
I have 2004 and 2006 running on my wide screen monitor and i diddn't have to change anything i just loaded it up...
Dunno bout your second question though.

Trainz will run widescreen but all my attempts so far result in "stretchy-vision", the 4:3 image merely being stretched sideways to fill the 16:9 area, so objects appear fatter. If anyone knows a solution to that I'd be grateful.

To run Trainz in a Window include these lines in trainzoptions.txt:

Ensure that width/height = 1.3333 (i.e. 4:3) and they are less that your monitor's resolution (and that the height allows for the Windows taskbar at the bottom). The WindowPOS lines specify the position of the top left corner of the window and can be as you wish. Some experimenting may be needed to get the parameters exactly as you like best.

HTH, John
Trainz will run widescreen but all my attempts so far result in "stretchy-vision", the 4:3 image merely being stretched sideways to fill the 16:9 area, so objects appear fatter. If anyone knows a solution to that I'd be grateful.

To run Trainz in a Window include these lines in trainzoptions.txt:

Ensure that width/height = 1.3333 (i.e. 4:3) and they are less that your monitor's resolution (and that the height allows for the Windows taskbar at the bottom). The WindowPOS lines specify the position of the top left corner of the window and can be as you wish. Some experimenting may be needed to get the parameters exactly as you like best.

HTH, John

I entered

in trainzoptions and I get great widescreen in TRS2004 with a 22" widescreen LCD monitor. Ignore the way the entry screens look - the resolution kicks in when you get into driver or editor.

Also, make sure you have SP4 installed.
2 quick questions.

e trainz. Plus i want to see if I can run MSTS and Trainz at the same time :o (multitasking) though i doubt my graphics card could handle both at "good" fps .

You running a cray? I doubt your CPU can handle both programs at once, never mind the graphic card :)
I entered

in trainzoptions and I get great widescreen in TRS2004 with a 22" widescreen LCD monitor. Ignore the way the entry screens look - the resolution kicks in when you get into driver or editor.

Also, make sure you have SP4 installed.
I tried exactly that. It fills the screen but everything (menus, surveyor, driver, scenarios) are all stretched lengthways.
