Running Numbers on Rolling Stock NOT in Agreement (PROBLEM RESOLVED)


I am using built in ARN, which I have in the config.txt file as in accord with the Trainz Wiki "Adding the Native Automatic Running Numbers system to a traincar"
instructions as:

running-numbers "140000-140149"

When the traincar is seen in preview asset or in game, the numbers (which are identical) on the car ends do not agree with those on the sides. Like the ends read 140003, while the sides might be 140123. This particular car was created in Blender and exported via FBX. In Blender, all the number planes (appended from another properly working asset) are using a .m.pbrmetalmasked assigned material, which I have used on numerous other assets with no problems.

Again, I have used this entire setup numbers of times, but this time around it is not working properly. I do have a recall of this very problem in the distance past, but cannot recall the solution. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.
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Solution to the best of my understand: I keep trying different sets that I had used in the past without this problem until I finally found one that worked properly as desired. Then I compare it to one that was not working properly. What I found was that on the car end ARM the order of their appearance was off by the placement of the planes. For example: The plains should be in correct order such as a, b, c, d, e, f. I had they in the wrong order like a, b, c, d, f, e. However, this does not explain why the one I borrowed from prior assets were working on them, but not when placed in the new creation. Such is the Trainz creation process.