RRMods Maryland Midland

I have some missing dependencies for my Maryland Midland route from RRMods.
Where can I find these?
give www.trainzkuidindex.com a go.

Free registration required, donations welcomed.

This site is a godsend for hunting those pesky unknown deps and has saved me days worth of Kuid hunting over the time I have been a trainzer.
Do you have the "MMID Route Assets 1" completely installed? <Kuid2:68926:201308:1>"hagerstown station" for example, which was present therein. Only <kuid:193623:100419> and <kuid:68787:100508> are untraceable.

This is the only kuid I can not find, doesnt show at trainzkuid
<kuid2:64241:9000066:1> This is the only kuid I can not find, doesnt show at trainzkuid

I have the same missing kuid! Could someone help ​me?

<kuid2:64241:9000066:1> it is the product "cement" from guido73. It comes with the LEHX Trinity 2-Bay Covered Hopper for the plant in Union Bridge. But you can make "delete missing assets" . The industry continues to work with other hoppers from the DLS.
I had a simular issue. Just contacted them on their support area on website and they sent me the kuids I was missing.
The asset in question (BI2 Bulk Cement) that is missing kuid2:64241:9000066:1 doesn't even use the missing asset from what I can tell from the config file. That kuid only appears in the kuid table. I just deleted it from the kuid table and resaved the config to fix the problem.


This is the only kuid I can not find, doesnt show at trainzkuid
Hello, guys!
These kuids needed:

Thanx a lot!
Hi Guys, late to this thread. I was thinking of getting this route but what with all the missing kuids I'm thinking maybe not. Do you guys like it? Is it worth the trouble? Any screenshots that I can check out? Thanks.
Missing kuids - this is the trouble. They are not on the DLS. Googling have no results...
I just wanted a smthg new american route for my steam engines, but.... missing kuids :)
Where is the author of this route?
I know I'm 14 months late to this, but I believe <kuid:68787:100508> comes with HP-Trainz's Marias Pass Route X. I have that route installed to TS12 and the MMID doesn't have it as a missing dependency, so that's my hunch on where that comes from.