I have a problem in surveyor. Here's the story: I make rollercoasters. I make a high plateu, put track on it, make a bridge going down like the big drop at the beginning of a rollercoaster, put a train at top with three empty coal cars behind it, create the rest of it, and start it up. I simply derail the three coal cars from the engine, the coal cars start to roll down the hill, I, just before they get off screen, click on them, and I see the rollercoaster from the cars' view. The problem is that sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, when the cars enter a tunnel, I only can see the view from the rear end of the cars so that it seems like I am rolling backwards. Does anyone know how I can prevent that from happening? If you havent a clue, try building one of your own rollercoasters and see. (Making rollercoasters is fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!!!) Try it and see if you can help me. Thank you very much for your help.