Road cars appearing & disappearing


19 Years of Trainz
I've had this problem for months now (at least 6 months) with TRS2012SP1HF4. When I begin a Surveyor session there may or may not be cars running around the various roads on my route. If they are, it is very likely that the next segment of road that I place will cause cars to disappear. The only way I've found to get them back is to hit the Windows hotkey, which pulls me out of Trainz, and go back into the game. This MIGHT make the cars come back - or it might not.

Sometimes I cannot make any cars appear at all no matter how many times I try. When I build routes, I leave the road traffic setting checked so that cars will appear. I have never unchecked that box, so that shouldn't be a problem.

I opened a ticked in January, which was finally acted on just yesterday. I got this answer, which make absolutely NO sense to me:

Good Afternoon Bill
Our support services enable users to purchase, download and install games that we sell. We do not provide support for specific in-game functionality.

For these issues we recommend using Google Search and visiting our forums at for expect advice from Trainz Community Members."

Kind Regards

N3V Games Support Team

Can someone please educate me as to how this helps troubleshoot my problem? I thought at least TS2012 was still being supported. Am I wrong?

If that is all their support services are for, then of what use are they? I don't see any use at all.

Make sure you have the road traffic enabled under the Environment Setting. Sometimes when you're working on a route in Surveyor, and add a piece of road or something, the cars will disappear. If you give it some time, they'll eventually show up.

Um, Dave. I did say this:

"When I build routes, I leave the road traffic setting checked so that cars will appear. I have never unchecked that box, so that shouldn't be a problem."

The times that the cars appear to be working well, I do see the pause when the cars disappear for a few seconds after adding a piece of road. But, more often than not, they never come back.

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I have seen this too. I find that if I place a spline point, it stimulates the cars into action.

I think this is another resources issue just like splines turning white when doing stuff.

I usually end up doing that also, John. Sometimes, I can add a chunk of road and then immediately delete it and the cars will appear. What really gripes me is that sometimes they WON'T come back no matter how many times I add a new road segment. There are times I just throw up my hands, kill the entire game, and go fix a cup of tea. Given all the major faults with TS2012, I may just get fed up enough to delete the game altogether.

Sorry Bill, I surely wasn't trying to insult your intelligence. I apologize. Some people don't know about the button to click in Environment.

Since you're talking about cars not showing in Surveyor, I wouldn't worry too much about that, as long as they always show up in Driver mode.


Well, Dave, that's part of the problem. They don't always show up in Driver either. The 'going into Windows and back out' doesn't always work, so if I want the ambiance of cars on my roads, I have to exit Driver and start again.

When I first installed TS2012 a long time ago, it worked fine. Every SP and Hotfix has loused it up more and more, until it creaks along, freezing every two minutes. I'm about ready to bin the whole thing. My system has proven that it can deal with the software, so it has to be the "updates" and "improvements" that have messed things up.

AMD Athlon II X3 @ 3.40Ghz
8G of RAM
Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit)
NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS with 1G RAM
AT&T uVerse (15Mb/s up & 1Mb/s down - nominal)
Trainz installed outside the default location.

Could very well be. I have long suspected that the helpdesk simply does not READ the actual problem, only skim and see what they want to see. Then they react and give you a totally unfulfilling answer.

Could be a variety of reasons. One is that roads themselves have how frequently the cars spawn if you could be using roads that dont spawn cars. Another is the amount of spline points the more spline points the more cars you potentially get. Road traffic always resets when you add splines to the exsisting roads. Hope this helps.
This happens to the same road, or roads, that I always use. I am not putting down NEW roads, I am watching the roads I already have down. I might even be in the process of building a town around a main drag and not touching the road itself at all. The Spline flyout might not be selected except for maybe the Object portion, or even the track flyout. Cars run around the route all the time and then, after placing, say, a house, I notice that there are no cars running. That is what is happening. Why would they just suddenly stop running and disappear? Conversely, why would the just as suddenly appear when I go out to Windows and back into the game?

Frankly, I think there must be one or more 'stacks' in the game that a process handler works on in time slices. What may happen is that one of the threads that deals with cars running gets dropped on the floor due to cruddy programming or an errant interrupt which bumps it into infinity. Adding another piece to an existing road, or leaving the game and coming back resets the stack and the game picks up again until the next time the car thread is skipped.

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Good idea, Mike. I just might do that myself. Have you had any problems wrapping a TS2012 route into a CDP and importing it back into TS2010? Do you have to mess with the version numbers?

I already had the ones I want in both versions. So wasn't a problem.
One problem in taking a TS12 back is that you get heaps of assets piled up in one spot and you have to place them again. This is after back dating the build. I am still able to download current 3.5 assets and change the build number and they work ok. Like Dave Snows assets for instance.