Riverside railroad - Midnight Oil session


Well-known member
I have uploaded a session for RiversideRailroad called "MidnightOil".

"Chuck and Joe, Dispatcher here.
Now that you are familiar with our operations during day time I have given you the midnight oil run.
Refuel your GP60, attach those nine white Procor tankers in the Transfer Yard and load them at Conoco PetroChem.
As you head north, exchange the full Procors for the empty JAP tank cars.
You will find three at Fingers Foundry, two and one at Armour, and three at AgriBusiness.
Leave the empties at the Conoco terminal at Diaspar.
Go to Loco and contact me for your next assignment.
Mainline trains will be running at 4 minute intervals; you must give them priority.
You are authorised to travel at up to 50mph except in yard areas where normal limits apply."

There is nothing difficult about this session, except that it is dark - very dark. There is lighting where it is needed from lamp posts, but elsewhere ... .

And as usual it pays to spend a few moments thinking about the switching movements, particularly at Armour where exchanging those tank cars is a bit tricky.

Use the map view to locate the AI trainz coming the opposite way on the main line. They keep on coming at the squeeze points whether you are there or not.

Finally, Fingers foundry is just north of Lys; AgriBusiness just west of Diaspar.

The session should take about 60 minutes to complete. All the items of rolling stock needed by the session will be downloaded from the Download Station when the session is installed. Maps and a readme are included in the folder containing the session.





Phil what is it about the Taki Tankers that my PC doesn't like? :confused:

In every single session of yours I have (and I have most of them!) in which you use these tankers my PC suffers a major haemorrhage! It usually manifests itself when shunting and is in the form of warp speeds, unrealistic acceleration and loss of control of the loco! You may have noticed I never use these tankers in my sessions and there is a very good reason for that. After playing Midnightoil for nearly 2 hours this happened again. I'll go back and re-edit the session substituting some other tankers for me, but it is really a bizarre occurrence.

Like the new route by the way. The addition of trees makes it look very realistic in cab mode (is there any other mode?). I'm starting to look covetously at RRC with sessions in mind! :p



Phil, great looking session, nice tankers, went looking for them and found them, now have installed. Have you added the load queue in for the loading?

Nix, they seem to work fine in TC, one thing that I did notice though, no product load queue in the config.txt. Maybe TC has removed it for some reason, hence my question above for Phil, check to see if you have the load queue, maybe this is causing the problems in the sessions?

Just a thought, I'll check them with TRS2006... :)
Nix, Aussie --

Those Japanese tankers are not interactive - no actual loading and unloading of liquid products is possible - which is why I have always left them as empties.

They are very highly detailed, look superb but are a little poly-intensive. They work perfectly on my 'puter. Maybe, Nix, they are stretching your PC a little?

Nix -- as a user of Australian rolling stock, you might like to see my note in the Freeware Announcements Forum about making the SAR OB gondolas industry interactive.

Hi Phil,

Ok that's fine, I just read in your first post "Refuel your GP60, attach those nine white Procor tankers in the Transfer Yard and load them at Conoco PetroChem." so I got thinking with no load queue that may cause a small problem.

They are very nice, might be worth a try and ask the original creator if he would do an update and add in the load queue, wouldn't take much.
Hey Phil, I simply replaced them with the LARS SP tanker and all went well. I remember you did an UrbanIndustRail version with them in and I had the same issue.

And yes I did see that thread. Those gondolas made interactive would be incredibly useful. I'll be diggin' them out as soon as I can.


Aussie --

I've just checked, and those Procor tank cars are LARS enabled. Works fine for me in TRS2004.

Maybe you could help. TRS2004 has a wonderful little steam loco built-in - a D&RGW C-41 #1015 4-6-0 that I suspect originated from Prowler. Is this also a TRS2006 built-in asset? If so I'll use it in a session.

Hi Phil,

Oh the white ones, sorry, thought you were talking about loading the Taki Tankers, doh... :hehe:

Also the D&RGW C-41 #1015 is in TRS2006, according to CMP its builtin, without having TRS2006 you probably don't know but there is another beautiful D&RGW steamer builtin, the 2-6-0. Are available on the DLS though, kuid:63290:3, numbers 3 and 5 are in TRS2006, but then you may already have them... :)