Rio Grande Southern Bridge


Bridge-n-trestle builder
Hi Folks:

I've been looking round for projects to work on while I'm offline (moving from Florida to Tennessee) and came across what looks to be a single track steel arch bridge labeled as being on the Rio Grande Southern. The photos seems to show a K-series (2-8-2) on the bridge and I know the RGS had a K-28 or two. Unfortunately I had already taken a screenshot of another bridge so figured I could go back and find it again. Yup - you guessed it - I can't find it again for love-nor-money.

So - - - does anyone know if there was a steel arch on the RGS? If so where located, what river or canyon did it cross, possible name, etc. Perhaps I can track it down from that.


Will give it a try - thanks.

EDIT: Took a peek. Looks like all bridge listed are trestles of one sort or another. Nothing listed as an arch or made e from anything other then wood. Nice informative site tho.

I did get some info on the coal bin at Vance Junction and have added it to my "make while offline list" unless someone else already has made it. I don't like duplicating other folks efforts. Not fair to them.

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