Restormel Castle


Old Stager
I have been enjoying some great operating sessions on this Route, but have to make a comment or two about two really glaring errors withit. I cannot believe that the Beta Testers and the DLS Moderators missed these really obvious faults.
The first of which concerns all the passenger stations. They were built using a passenger activated mode, which somehow not only left the passengers scattered around on the running lines, the ones that were on the platforms were IN the platforms, showing only their heads and shoulders!
Also when running trains through or into the stations I was confronted by a whole series of error messages concerning the passenger setup.
I have had to redo all the stations by removing the affected part, and rejoining the tracks.

Also, the Level Crossings looked rather strange, and on closer examination in Surveyor I found that most of the crossings with attached signal boxes or Keepers Cottages, had been connected the wrong way around with the road section running in the same direction as the track!

I have corrected both errors, fairly easily, but my question is this.
However did A. The Creator, B. The Beta Testers, and C. The Download Station, miss these rather obvious faults?

Sorry to be so pendantic, because the scenary and general overall quality of the route is quite amazing overall. It just baffles me that these so-obvious errors were 'allowed' to be posted on the DLS in the first place!
i have found even with some items that i had made and uploded, that when i opened them to run them there were some errors in them.
i can only put it down to the program not reading it properly.
sometimes if i shut it down and then restarted it, the problem would be fixed

I downloaded RC quite some time ago, and have been running it of and on for about three months. I have not found any of the problems you mention about level crossings and had only one small problem with one station. The train did not stop at the right place. I have had a lot of enjoyment from this layout and still go back to it when I feel like doing something different from normal. Normal is developing my own layout.


PS I have found on my own layout that some things are not exactly where I put them when I reload it. It is a bit frustrating when it is rails that move.

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Hiya Seward
as someone who has run this layout to death and also advised its creator about any glitches or errors in track layouts etc i cnnot let your comments go un-challenged
i have just now run over in surveyor mode most of the route and also checked the crossing orientation's against the Tafweb designed originals and can see no problems what so ever and besides i tried to do what you were suggesting had happened i.e the roads were running underneath the rails or something and found it impossible to do this as the road splines are connected at 90 degrees to the rail attachment points.
the creator of this and other layouts on the dls is one of the most dilligent and amiable creators on here and in the old forum myself amongst others suggested alterations or ammendments to bits of the layout and it was updated accordingly
also in regard to the passengers at stations i cannot find any location where this has happened ?
might i suggest your copy has somehow been corrupted in someway?
to suggest that the creator+ the beta testers and Auran have all missed this doesnt ring true i am afraid.
i was not one of the above people but i do know how to run a railway
there are other layouts on the dls far worse than this
i only have to mention the S+C on the dls which runs East-West !!

Have not found probs with stations but all the crossings are the wrong way around .It loads with an error message but loads OK .When you use CMP to check it it comes up with missing dependencies in the Route but when you check the route for missing dependencies CPM can't find any missing it shows there all there.

I've just checked it again after reading Steviez's post this time it loaded without the error warning but yhe crossings are still the wrong way around
The probs must be cause buy the way CMP loads the map as it changes from time to time.

Hiya Dave
i have just seen what you have shown and this time when i opened the same route the crossing was as your picture i.e with the road atop the rails
so i placed the correct tafweb object alongside for comparison and as you can see its different
so i can only suggest that this is an in game problem ? unless someone says different as stated above i think it would be impossible to do that yourself as the orientation of the object is all correct but the roadway has somehow turned through 90 degrees
i still dont think its the routecreators fault though

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I agree after opening it several time the result varies the crossing stays the same but he map loads with or without error messages at times.I think CMP is having some probs with content i placed some content in surveyor the other day & was unable to move,rotate,raise,lower or even delete them

Originally by seward
However did A. The Creator, B. The Beta Testers, and C. The Download Station, miss these rather obvious faults?

Hi seward. The straight answer is they didn’t, with over 3000 downloads in its various stages of development the problem described with the crossings has never been reported as a fault (until now) or indeed as one introduced by the creator, however, as steviez shot clearly shows the Tregullam road crossing is installed the correct way round and your observation can clearly be repeated, how or why I can’t explain though I have just dismantled the crossing splitting all the splines and pulling the crossing out of the way on the original and all appears correct so I can only hope someone can explain the phenomena
Note: Some static vehicles did rotate without my intervention and I wonder if this has any bearing on the subject.
The problem with the stations is well known, here you need to update your version of the station kit and ensure you have all the necessary components, rest assured all the stations are correctly positioned and this will fix this particular problem without any further adjustment or intervention on your part
I believe the following are the correct components and would suggest you use the basic kuid numbers (i.e. KUID122285:1002) in your search this way the latest versions will show up on the DLS automatically

AJS Spline Eraser (AJS) <KUID2:122285:1002:1> Track
AJS Station 1x110s (AJS) <KUID2:122285:3320:10> Industry
AJS Station 1x50s (AJS) <KUID2:122285:3330:10> Industry
AJS Station 2x110s (AJS) <KUID2:122285:3325:10> Industry
Trusting this helps a little
Regards Bob V
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Yep! I've got Restormal Castle in TRS 2004 and 2006 and they both have the rotated "Crossing With House" in them. All other crossings are OK. I helped with testing on this layout and the crossings were OK then.
Very Strange! Notice that the house stays put and the crossing turns 90 degrees. :eek: Perhaps it's a fault of the object itself. Although tafweb may disagree! :)
I just wanted to say I'm a big fan of this route and I have not noticed problems with the level crossings, however I have noticed the station platforms were set wrong. When I had the route (I am redownloading my content because I moved and reinstalled the game) I redid the stations, but I found nothing else wrong, except for an error with some of the ajs stations. I just thought I would put it down for someone to edit it or something.

Hi Dave
Great to have a fan from so far away from the UK maybe you could start a fan club Lol
These stations have all been checked out and all work OK the only known issue that may cause a problem is not having all the latest versions of the elements of AJS station kit as above
Regards Bob V
Well, Bob, I'm a fan of Restormel Castle, and I'm way over there, the other side of the Pacific Ocean in Australia.


Hi Saieditor
I loved the feel of this route from the day I downloaded lightrails original so I’m more than pleased its travelled so far

Re the crossing problem
Has anyone found the cause of this as yet? I’m more than willing to change these items and re upload if the feeling is that its worth wile.
Though I have never had the visual reversal problem I have recently noticed the odd road vehicle leaving the road an following the track at these crossings

Regards to all and thanks for your support
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Wasn't something major done with the crossings with the SP1 pack?

Im sure their was. Positive even. Broke some crossings and fixed others.

Seward, which version are you using? The DLS verion or the version on the Routes CD's?

@ trackplate - no I dont think you need to upload an update. Its great as is.
No cross-over for Golant Fowey Branch at Lotswithiel?

Just for the record

I’m now having the road problem (here using TRS04) as illustrated in Steviez
post above
I haven't had this problem yet, but going from what I can gather, it may happen after people download a certain item.

I'm really posting here as I couldn't find another thread that brought it up, & forget if it's been brought up before, but going from Golant towards Bodmin Rd, you can't get back to the left hand side at the junction just before Lostwitheriel. Shouldn't their be a cross over?

PS: Trackplate, if you want to save typing/pasting, instead of using several size/font, etc tags for the one size, just highlight the whole text, then use the tag buttons.
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I haven't had this problem yet, but going from what I can gather, it may happen after people download a certain item.

I'm really posting here as I couldn't find another thread that brought it up, & forget if it's been brought up before, but going from Golant towards Bodmin Rd, you can't get back to the left hand side at the junction just before Lostwitheriel. Shouldn't their be a cross over?

PS: Trackplate, if you want to save typing/pasting, instead of using several size/font, etc tags for the one size, just highlight the whole text, then use the tag buttons.

No crossover?
I have either missed the point here completely or as far as I can see you are still running an earlier version of the route
The single track from Golant into Lotswithiel splits to give access to both tracks at junction 7648 although you will find the right branch access here is denied to AI traffic for operational reasons yard access however for AI traffic is available via junction 401
The only other answer here I can see if you are still not happy is to re lay the track to suit your own requirements, if you do, a screen shot here of the new and improved arrangement may be of interest to other members

Typing/pasting etc
All my notes are produced via a word package using a single font size then copied and pasted into the message panel for some reason the size is often changed when submitted

I couldn't find another thread that brought it up
Unfortunately all previous post referring to RC updates where lost when the forum crashed

Crossing problem
Pleased to find you are not experiencing this panorama. The main reason for my posts here is to find the cause and/or the solution if possible

Regards Bob V
I definately downloaded two different versions, after you reuploaded it, but a question is how many times did you upload it?

The reason why I'm asking is that I did a check and the download station says it was uploaded in September 2006, yet after a TrainzObjectz file check, it says August 2006.

I have also noted that with the version I have, I opened VistaMap last night, & found that the junctions/points were all missing their names, even though they are shown in the game itself. Other routes didn't have this problem.
I definately downloaded two different versions, after you reuploaded it, but a question is how many times did you upload it?

The reason why I'm asking is that I did a check and the download station says it was uploaded in September 2006, yet after a TrainzObjectz file check, it says August 2006.

I have also noted that with the version I have, I opened VistaMap last night, & found that the junctions/points were all missing their names, even though they are shown in the game itself. Other routes didn't have this problem.

How many times did you upload it?
With over 5000 downloads, Three; these revisions where made not only to incorporate changes suggested by many members including your good self but also to improve the track, AI operations and general visual effect
The changes where made as follows
Date: 28th Jul 2006 KUID: 129486:1801914 Date: 29th Aug 2006KUID2: 129486:1801914:1 Date: 27th Sep 2006 KUID2: 129486:1801914:2
Although you can find your present revision in your downloads folder, via Content Manager or in Trainz Objectz if the version you are using doesn’t include the yard, goods facility and roundhouse at St Blazy then I would highly recommend updating to the last version as above (here just for the record and after using the last revision for over a year I do know there are still minor faults in there).

Junctions in Vista map
Not a clue though here you are not the only one I have several routes where this happens also they don’t show up using map view in Driver mode
Regards, Bob V