

New member
Okay sorry guys. My mind is going a million miles an hour. I was messing around on TRS2006, and I took SubPar's 2-8-2M and put an invisible bogie under the back, making it a HUGE 2-8-0. I was wondering if someone could/would like to reskin it to Western Maryland for 2006 for me as well as lots of road numbers for it. Thanks in advance.
Update: I got the skin off of Trainz Forge
Is anybody good at making the #'s for them? There is a Targa file that is for the road number. Tried painting over old # and typing in a new one on Gimp 2 but that was a bust. Any help/someone needing something to do? Thanks
typing in a new one on Gimp 2 but that was a bust.

What does this mean? Is the problem that you don't know how to use the Text tool in GIMP? That question would best be asked in a GIMP forum. Or, use a graphics editor that has a better user interface and more useful Help.
Reskining is a fine art that sometimes takes time to master

The only Chemistry I know is how to make C[SUB]2[/SUB]H[SUB]6[/SUB]O ... Apple Juice, sugar, and yeast, fermented in a big vat under the basement stairs :hehe:
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I'll get a picture in a bit (sorry amidst chemistry homework. Geeez) but it's a Targa image, it has the number (for this one, 734) in the top two corners in white (assuming for number boards) and one in the bottom center. I'll paint over them in the color of the background, then cover them in new text. Idk if I'm just not lining it up correct, or if painting over the original is a no-no. I didn't know if an expert reskinner has ever had this problem and how they solved it. Did I explain it better SailorDan (not being snark or sarcastic, I'm askin to make sure it's more clear)
it's a Targa image, it has the number (for this one, 734) in the top two corners in white (assuming for number boards) and one in the bottom center. I'll paint over them in the color of the background, then cover them in new text. Idk if I'm just not lining it up correct, or if painting over the original is a no-no. I didn't know if an expert reskinner has ever had this problem and how they solved it. Did I explain it better SailorDan (not being snark or sarcastic, I'm askin to make sure it's more clear)

If the number is on the original and it needs to be changed, then you must paint over it.

But the original could be painted over an area which is not visible, and the number might be a different image altogether, or it could be selected at run time (by autonumbering). If you are reskinning a loco that is autonumbered then it is common that the numbering is placed idfferently. In that case the only chaoice is to disable the autonumbering, and add the number to the primary image in the appropriate spot.

Much of this is done by experimentation. You should therefore create a 'project' (just a place to store your image files) where you are preserving the layers that you use to make the changes. The process is described here:

That means you can preserve the original and the layers that you used to make the changes, so that you can easily undo and re-do your changes, even though the image that is used in the asset has no layers.
Thank you. And thanks for your time and patience. I'm still learning a lot of this and I'm super slow. I will probably get at it this weekend.
Reskining is a fine art that sometimes takes time to master

The only Chemistry I know is how to make C[SUB]2[/SUB]H[SUB]6[/SUB]O ... Apple Juice, sugar, and yeast, fermented in a big vat under the basement stairs :hehe:

Hahahahaha comment of the day! A couple of classmates asked him if he knew how to make meth, and his reply was "Yes, I did it with the police department (not sure what that's supposed to mean XD)." So now they call him the guy off of Breaking Bad. Overall, he's a real cool guy. Just his class is horrible.