Reskinned BR Class 4MT2-6-4T as UTA Class WT#4 2-6-4.


New member
I've reskinned Pacificseven's BR Class 4MT 2-6-4T as UTA Class WT 2-6-4 #4 for running on Harcourt's LMS in Ireland 1+2 Route.

The Ulster Transport Authority & NCC (Northern Counties Committee) also known as LMS, purchased a number, (18) of these locos from the ''Main Land'' Derby, between 1947 and 1950.

The UTA used them on all routes and for hauling main-line passenger traffic as well as goods and mixed traffic.

They were very versatile and most suitable for Northern Irelands Rail network.

These Ivatt designed WT's were known ''Jeeps'', locally.

The ‘Jeep’ nickname is said to have been coined by William McCullough, Night Foreman at Belfast’s York Road Works, who likened their ‘go anywhere’ ability to that of the Army Jeeps so common at the time.

Number 4 was still in service until the summer of 1970 and is the only one still surviving today with The Railway Preservation Society of Ireland.

If anyone is interested in me uploading this ''Jeep'' onto DLS, pls let me know.

I will have to contact Pacificseven and ask his permission in order to place this reskin on DLS.

Pacificseven's original Kuid for this Loco is Kuid:146848:10051:2.

Here are a few screenies.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img

<a href="" target="_blank"><img

<a href="" target="_blank"><img


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Third Time lucky, I hope! UTA Class WT #4 2-6-4 Screen-shots.

I think that the screen images are not large enough, so, Ill try these.

Hopefully, I've got it right this time.

Sorry for all the messing about! :o


<img src="" alt="Image Hosted by" />


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<img src="" alt="Image Hosted by" />

You did a great job. Well done!
I had a go and reskinning this loco too and it was quite easy to do. I didn't make as good a job of it as you have though. The crest looks great! Pacificseven is quite easy going about people reskinning his loco, and he even offered to re-paint it for me in Prussian Blue if I wanted to!

Best wishes,
How about a rusty version? Some were still in regular use in 1969. They were all rusty and worn out.
They ran regular trains from York Road works to and from the quarries further north.
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Sorry for double-posting. Maybe you could give your "Jeep" some better sounding engine-sounds. The 4MT uses default steam sounds.
A good Idea, why don't you do it?

How about a rusty version? Some were still in regular use in 1969. They were all rusty and worn out.
They ran regular trains from York Road works to and from the quarries further north.

Thanks for your comments Kaleb!

Should you have read my comments above carefully, you will see that I mention that several ''Jeeps'', were still in operation until the summer of 1970.

That is two years after main-line steam in Britian was withdrawn.

With the marvels of virtual reality, one is at liberty to depict a railway era of choice.

I see no sensible reason to highlight the very sad end of an era when funds for maintenance have been withdrawn and these once fine locos have been subject to gross neglect.

I'd prefer to depict the ''Jeep'' in it's heyday!

