requsting a monument (or two)


New member
I'm here to requst a monument for my dad (George V. Patterson) who died on the 8th of March of 2007 after suffering 6 years from cancer.
He was born on Nov 10, 1945.

All i want is a simple monument (maybe a remake of HJP's monument?) and a driver in trainz (the driver is my requst the monument is my moms).

Here is a picture of my dad

Thats him on the left wearing his favorite cowboy hat he got at the Grand Canyon.

I hope sombody could please take these projects.
Sorry to hear of your sad loss. I think my good friend Alberte may be able to build you a monument. He is very good at creating things.

Best wishes,
sorry to hear about your loss,,,, that is my birthday, so it really puts life in perspective, If i could do anything like that i would.
Sorry to hear of your father, it would not have been a great time for you or your mum.

The Memorial you are thinking of was made by Meridous and he can be found on the TPR forum most times now days.

Try there and I am sure he will help you out.

If he could that would be great! Thank you!

It says no downloads found

Sorry, search for Description "Tribute".

Tribute Type: Buildings / Structures Downloaded: 14569 File Size: 1.31mb File Type: .cdp Created by: meridious Date: 7th January 2005 Version: Ultimate Trainz KUID: 87907:25018
The Memorial you are thinking of was made by Meridous and he can be found on the TPR forum most times now days.

Try there and I am sure he will help you out.
OK, i'll ask there.

Sorry, search for Description "Tribute".

Tribute Type: Buildings / Structures Downloaded: 14569 File Size: 1.31mb File Type: .cdp Created by: meridious Date: 7th January 2005 Version: Ultimate Trainz KUID: 87907:25018
its not exactly what i was looking for......

Just as a question how do you make a new driver in trainz?
As mention Alberte may be able to help with a Driver for you, he has made a few things and is always very helpful.

Hi full Nickname here is zatovisualworks, search on that and send him a PM or Email.

Meridious is the guy you want to make monuments for those who have passed on. When he has the time I'm sure he will be glad to make one and he does a great job.


Sure thing, all I need is the information you'd like and I'll gladly make one for you. PM me and we'll get things going.
;) Jimmy has already contacted me. Well, I see that Mer is on the job too. Let's do it in memory of his beloved dad.

Maybe something like this will also do:


Well, Jimmy, you choose.

For the driver, I need a frontal upright pic of your dad.

The obelisk side of Alberte :wave:
This is the kind of thread I like. Somebody who who is willing to help others with special requests. I don't know these people personally jimmyP4, but from what I have seen of their work they will certainly do you proud. You have my sympathies on your loss, and these two gentlemen have my utmost respect for what they are doing.:Y:
Maybe something like this will also do:

Well, Jimmy, you choose.

For the driver, I need a frontal upright pic of your dad.

The obelisk side of Alberte
That shure will work! I'll find a picture as soona s my mom gets home.
Very sorry for your loss Jimmy. Those guys do great work and I'm sure you'll be proud of what that do in memory of your Dad.
This just shows what a fantastic community Trainz is.