Until and if Auran is able to recover files, I think some type of reposts request can be handled by the forum. I have some fairly complete and would be prepared to either repost them [if I knew how] or supply them via email request. I suggest this thread be used for requests and/or listing available ones. I currently have:
Mapmaker 3i initiated by norbert
Mikado initiated by digiartist
'They said it was impossible' [cartraffic]
reasonably complete. If you email me with title
[Repost Request] I will respond.
Any alternate suggestions to handle this????
Mapmaker 3i initiated by norbert
Mikado initiated by digiartist
'They said it was impossible' [cartraffic]
reasonably complete. If you email me with title
[Repost Request] I will respond.
Any alternate suggestions to handle this????