Remember what's really important


since 10 Aug 2002
While most of us enjoy spending time in Trainz, it is sobering to note how real life has a way of rudely intruding on our pleasure. Several recent threads have brought this message forcefully to the fore.

So remember when you are in the heat of a passionate discussion over some railroad minutiae, there are many other more important things in our lives. Enjoy Trainz but keep things in perspective. :)
While most of us enjoy spending time in Trainz, it is sobering to note how real life has a way of rudely intruding on our pleasure. Several recent threads have brought this message forcefully to the fore.

So remember when you are in the heat of a passionate discussion over some railroad minutiae, there are many other more important things in our lives. Enjoy Trainz but keep things in perspective. :)
How very true.
