Reached a milestone today


Bridge-n-trestle builder
Hi ya'll:

One of my items passed the 100,000 down load count today. This is a first. To all who appreciate my efforts by downloading them - thank youvery much.

Congratulations Ben,
The fact one of your uploads has achieved this milestone,is proof enough of the outstanding quality of your content. Well done mate.
Regards Bruce

It's a good feeling, isn't it? Makes it all worthwhile.

I'm always curious to know why some items seem to get loads of downloads and others which you would expect to be more popular seem to only get a handful of takers. Only 645 downloads of my red UK phone box since August last year really surprises me, when I would have thought it was a must-have for nearly all UK layouts?

Hi Ben, which item is it so I can download it, if I haven't alread.:hehe: I appreciated how you made a couple different items for me, you truely are a pillar of the community!

Thanks for all the kind words:

It was Fuel Oil Dock - kuid2:210518:1098:1 (based on a Campbell Kit I have on my HOn3 model RR).

I've never been able to figure out exactly what separates a popular item from a so so item. As you have noticed I tend to make an item then make some variations (sometimes too many in the case of the curved trestle attack) of that item. It never ceases to amaze me that one variation will out download the others usually by a factor of 10 but there is no rhyme or reason that I can see that differentiates the popular one from the others. Its not size as sometimes its the smallest thats popular and other times its the biggest.

O-well - back to making some Palmer design arch bridges (small).

Thanks for all the kind words:

It was Fuel Oil Dock - kuid2:210518:1098:1 (based on a Campbell Kit I have on my HOn3 model RR).

I've never been able to figure out exactly what separates a popular item from a so so item. As you have noticed I tend to make an item then make some variations (sometimes too many in the case of the curved trestle attack) of that item. It never ceases to amaze me that one variation will out download the others usually by a factor of 10 but there is no rhyme or reason that I can see that differentiates the popular one from the others. Its not size as sometimes its the smallest thats popular and other times its the biggest.

O-well - back to making some Palmer design arch bridges (small).


Well, I downloaded my copy 5/3/2006.:hehe:
Way to go Ben, I have and use many of your creations on my routes. Don't stop now.

As a sidebar, what happened to your Rail Cars. I tried downloading some but they didn't show up and then tonight I went looking for them and they're gone. At least I can't find them. If they're on the dls let me know where. Thankz.

Afew minutes later.

DUH, I found them under Rail Bus. It's a bi---- getting old.

Me again. Tried to download a rail bus and received a message that kuid2:210518:7252:1 is not on the dls. Anyone else having this problem?
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Hi Ben, I just wanted to put your mind at ease. I found the missing kuids on the dls and had to download them via FTP. Sometimes this CMP has a mind of it's own. Whatever, I have them in my Rail Yard now and will be using them. Thankz again.