RE: The Future of Helpdesk (see above)


New member
RE: The Future of Helpdesk (see above)


Just wanted to let you know that I received a response from the Helpdesk (always capitalize) to a question I had posted back on 12/18/2007 this evening.

It was Rob responding to a frenetic query I had made when it appeared that my FCT purchase was down the drain. It turned out that the FCT appeared a day or so later. I responded to Rob with that info.

It should be noted that this message appeared in my spam folder (I use Yahoo, which is normally pretty accurate) and it is only by luck that I happened to see it.

So, my take on this is that Rob and Auran are making a concerted effort to eliminate the backlog. I, for one, will try not to plague the Helpdesk with my trivial problems unless I have asked the Forum first.

I would urge you to do the same.


Fred Yale
Guilford, CT USA
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Thankyou, Fred,

yep there's still quite a backlog to work through but it's a priority for us to get it back up to date. Thanks for your patience in the meantime. I'll make an announcement when Helpdesk is more like business as usual.

As to the issue of providing tech support for older versions, the forum is the best place to seek advice on those questions.

Whilst our continuing sales of TRS04 and UTC etc help with product awareness, the financial returns from them don't afford the cost of individual tech support. Considering we offer full access to the forums we've nurtured, I certainly don't feel we're forcing those buyers to fend for themselves.

Cheers for now, and thanks again for your patience,

As to the issue of providing tech support for older versions, the forum is the best place to seek advice on those questions.
Whilst our continuing sales of TRS04 and UTC etc help with product awareness, the financial returns from them don't afford the cost of individual tech support. Considering we offer full access to the forums we've nurtured, I certainly don't feel we're forcing those buyers to fend for themselves.~R~

Rob - I could not agree more. Thank you and your Trainz associates for carrying on in the face of recent adversity. There are a lot of devoted users out here who really appreciate your efforts.

I would like to remind everyone that there is also the IRC chat where there is almost always someone there who (at the very least) can point you in the right direction, and even share some laughs. There is a whole thread out there explaining the best ways to access the chat (so I won't go into that here) but if you are looking for a speedy response to your problem the IRC chat is probably the best place to ask.
