Railway Workers Needed


Route Builder
I am working on a session for the Milwaukee Road, Western Division. I need Railway Workers i.e. Track Workers, Gandy Dancers, Ballast Men etc. I also need Yard Workers. DLS doesn't have much. Does anyone know where I can find what I need?
There are a large number of them, but they are sometimes under obscure names.I suggest searching the DLS using the terms "Man" or "Person" They are grouped mostly under Trainz People.P.S Don't forget to click the Trainz and Pre SP3 boxes when searching!
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Often the DLS doesn't recognise obvious words such as 'worker' or 'man'. I can fully understand why mkerd hasn't found them yet and it is nothing to do with any lack of intelligence on his part.

Best wishes,
Often the DLS doesn't recognise obvious words such as 'worker' or 'man'. I can fully understand why mkerd hasn't found them yet and it is nothing to do with any lack of intelligence on his part.

Best wishes,

I agree, there is some very good foreign stuff on the DLS & unfortunately, the DLS does not have an auto translator, and even stuff with English titles & descriptions can be vaguely worded.
What is called for when searching is a little bit of "Lateral Thinking". ;)
:cool: Out of curiosity I Searched for Person and found a number of useful items such as Personnel Gate which I have not found when looking for 'gate'..Its also worth checking the 'Lets See More Maintenance Of Way Shots' thread.