Railway Simulator 2006 versus thingy 2004


New member
Help! I used to have a ??? 2004, which was excellent. I gave it away, and replaced it with Railway Simulator 2006.

Now, is it me, or is there much less function on the new one? I used to be able to make up a consist (rake) of my own choosing, and then run it on a route of my choosing. Although I am presented with a whole pile of rolling stock when I access the Railyard in RS 2006, there seems to be no way to use them.

Help! Thank you. :'(
Help! I used to have a ??? 2004, which was excellent. I gave it away, and replaced it with Railway Simulator 2006.

Now, is it me, or is there much less function on the new one? I used to be able to make up a consist (rake) of my own choosing, and then run it on a route of my choosing. Although I am presented with a whole pile of rolling stock when I access the Railyard in RS 2006, there seems to be no way to use them.

Help! Thank you. :'(

Everyone I've talked to that has used both TRS2004 and TRS2006 swear that 2004 was the best and should never have been upgraded. Even I switched back when I noticed, as did you, the limited functionality of TRS2006 which was present on the old version, and add to this that the graphics are of the same quality, however 2006 also ran slower in framerates even at minimal settings on my computer. The only feature of interest was the so-called "multiplayer" mode which is useless in my opinion.
Another advantage is that you will find more third party support for TRS2004, so I would suggest sticking with it.
TRS2006 does the same functions as TRS2004. In TRS2006 you open Surveyor, select a route and click the trains (wheel) pop out. From there you select Train Mode (key T) and add/delete individual locos and rolling stock or select Consist Mode (key C) and select from the list of existing consists. If you build up a new consist you can save it to add it to the list of existing consists by clicking the Get Consist button (or press G) then left click the consist and give it a name. You can test your concist on the current route by clicking on the Quick Drive icon (or press Ctrl F2).

Everyone I've talked to that has used both TRS2004 and TRS2006 swear that 2004 was the best and should never have been upgraded. Even I switched back when I noticed, as did you, the limited functionality of TRS2006 which was present on the old version, and add to this that the graphics are of the same quality, however 2006 also ran slower in framerates even at minimal settings on my computer. The only feature of interest was the so-called "multiplayer" mode which is useless in my opinion.
Another advantage is that you will find more third party support for TRS2004, so I would suggest sticking with it.

Some older machines run a little slower in TRS2006 than TRS2004 but if you have a reasonably modern machine say built in the last five years on 95% of these TRS2006 runs faster. I got about 1-2 fps extra out of TRS2006 once the service pack was in. TC seems to run even smother.

Most 3rd party TRS2004 content will run in TRS2006, most TRS2006 content will not run in TRS2004 and is not even visible on the DLS if you only have TRS2004 so I find your comment of there is more third party support for TRS2004 a little odd. I actually create in TC but normally put in a TRS2004 version number. Certain of my creations show in TRS2004 with slight abnormalities but the support position basically is if you have a problem buy TC since that is what I create in.

Cheerio John
You need to speak to more people IMHO.


Indeed. (that cracked me up)
It's a crap shoot really; 2004 was not stable on my system, where 2006 is rock solid. CMP takes getting used to, but once you have repaired 7 or 8 thousand objects with it, you are pretty comfortable. Another benefit is as you repair faulty content, your framerates increase.

I wouldn't go back to 2004, as it's prototypical for the locomotives to have their headlamps on at all times.

TC offers some code improvements and other incentives, but has less content. That appeals to some, but not others.

I could site sources but they would be too numerous to place here. TRS2006 definitely the Trainz downgrade of the century.
I could site sources but they would be too numerous to place here. TRS2006 definitely the Trainz downgrade of the century.

So the reason there have been 15,659 posts in the TRS2006 section and only 5,325 in the TRS2004 section since November 2006 is because TRS2004 is far more popular, right?
I have had all versions of Trains except "Classics". I WAS looking forward to getting it due to the improved road traffic system,but I will not put up with CMP. That is the reason I took 2006 off the drive,and it will not return. 2004 is rock solid dependable,don't let em mislead you. 2006 has sold the most because train simulation is a growing hobby. The fact is,it IS replacing model railroading,even though people in that hobby do not want to hear it. I have spent much time at trains shows and conventions expounding on how great TRS 2004 is,and will continue to do so. Joe S.
So the reason there have been 15,659 posts in the TRS2006 section and only 5,325 in the TRS2004 section since November 2006 is because TRS2004 is far more popular, right?

This is like arguing to an XP-For-Life person to switch to Vista. :hehe:

Go with either TRS2006 or Classics. Both are good and better than TRS2004. Content Manager Plus, while being a hassle at times, defeats the online DLS webpage if you ask me.

And fordmercman, no one is misleading anyone.
".....I could site cite sources but they would be too numerous to place here. TRS2006 definitely the Trainz downgrade of the century......"

My feelings too, and that's after having bought and tried it.

"...the reason there have been 15,659 posts in the TRS2006 section and only 5,325 in the TRS2004 section...."

Could also due to how many problems/complaints there were/are with TRS2006.

"....I will not put up with CMP. That is the reason I took 2006 off the drive, and it will not return."

Me too! Even Auran admitted at one stage that CMP was sub-par. I think it was Rob Shaw.

The point of this post is not to infuriate TRS2006 users - if you like it, then fine, use it - but realise there are many who hold a different view and we are not clueless, so don't be insulting.
I could site sources but they would be too numerous to place here.

No, really, go ahead. There's plenty of room and I'm sure the Mods won't mind.

Geez....use whatever version you want, there's good and bad in each and every one. I don't ridicule those using a version I don't care for...I have them all.

"I wouldn't go back to 2004, as it's prototypical for the locomotives to have their headlamps on at all times."

That depends one what era/country you are modelling. In '50's and '60's Britain, locomotives only had to have their headlamps on during the hours of darkness.

IMO, TRS2004 is KING. Although to be fair, I haven't tried 2006 to form an opinion on it. I haven't felt the need to purchase it.

Best wishes,
No, really, go ahead. There's plenty of room and I'm sure the Mods won't mind.

Geez....use whatever version you want, there's good and bad in each and every one. I don't ridicule those using a version I don't care for...I have them all.


Thanks for asking. Here's two:

From PCZone:
"Apart from the amount of content, things haven't moved on very much since the 2004 version. A few nips and tucks here and there, refined content controls, better tutorials and a slight expansion of the simulation 'rules' to make driving your choochoos a touch harder, but otherwise it all looks much the same as before. Even graphically it hasn't really moved on, content to wallow in its own little corner of the gaming world."

From Charlie's Train Page:
"I had a significant involvement in the creation of content for, and beta testing of, TRS2006. My relationship with Auran and Trainz badly soured as a result of both this and personnel changes at Auran. With the (then) cancellation of MSTS2, the rail sim field was completely clear for TRS2006 to build on the success of TRS2004 and take the market by storm. Instead the beta testers and content developers were lied to and treated like idiots, and another buggy pre-release was shoved out the door as "gold," complete with the abysmal CMP and the knowledge that a large proportion, if not most, of the previously available content would not work properly with 06 or import cleanly into CMP. This includes a big chunk of the built-in content - virtually none of it was fixed unless it actually crashed the game - and the workaround is for Trainz to bypass checking it.

So Auran having torpedoed the title before the first copy was sold, the subsequent community frustration was no surprise. After a year of bashing my head against the TRS2006 and Auran brick wall, I finally saw sense and deleted it from my system."

I am sure you have noticed, you have entered the 04, 06, TC debate !
I have ran/run every Trainz sim with the exception of TC, which I am totally not interested in. My friend has TC, and I have therefore been able to watch it, it does nothing for me.
As I progressed thru the updated versions I saw the improvements.
After 04, installed 06, then reinstalled 06 to add SP1, I am not in anyway a computer wizard, but I never looked back. TRS2006 to me is the best it is at this point in time. You must have corrected anything listed as a failure after running Trainzdiag.exe, and CMP takes time to learn, but to me is a terrific utility!

Now you have me entered in the debate, I'm ready !
My thoughts---DLR