Here are a few shots of some pipe trains, and the Silverton NG train.
Here a loaded pipe train pulls out of Durango to head for Farmington, New Mexico.
The pipe train heading down the Farmington Branch..
K-36 No.485 being backed onto the turntable from the roundhouse..
An empty pipe train meets the loaded one just outside Durango..
The Silverton Train is made up and ready and waiting on passengers to finish loading at the station..
At Rockwood Tank, the Silverton train is well on its way to Silverton..
Here a loaded pipe train pulls out of Durango to head for Farmington, New Mexico.

The pipe train heading down the Farmington Branch..

K-36 No.485 being backed onto the turntable from the roundhouse..

An empty pipe train meets the loaded one just outside Durango..

The Silverton Train is made up and ready and waiting on passengers to finish loading at the station..

At Rockwood Tank, the Silverton train is well on its way to Silverton..