Railfanning The D&RGW Narrow Gauge


Active member
Here are a few shots of some pipe trains, and the Silverton NG train.

Here a loaded pipe train pulls out of Durango to head for Farmington, New Mexico.


The pipe train heading down the Farmington Branch..


K-36 No.485 being backed onto the turntable from the roundhouse..


An empty pipe train meets the loaded one just outside Durango..


The Silverton Train is made up and ready and waiting on passengers to finish loading at the station..


At Rockwood Tank, the Silverton train is well on its way to Silverton..

I have been working on mine, I had to raise the Animas River by a couple of hundred feet to get the right feel for the Animas Canyon, my route isn't prototypically correct by any stretch of the imagination, but I was looking more for the feel of Southwestern Colorado more than actually modeling things as they really are, still have a lot of work to do on this one yet, got to add the RGS line in somewhere heading out of Durango too........:wave::wave::wave:
I really haven't thought of making it industry interactive, don't really have much there in the way of industries, with the exception of the coal mine at Silverton, which isn't prototypical but does offer something other than the tourist aspect, I have also included a short piece of the Farmington Branch going south out of Durango, but since none of the cars that would be used on that branch, which were mostly pipe gons, aren't industry interactive, I just send the train into a portal basic just outside of Durango, the water tanks, sand house and coal tower are all industry interactive, however, none of those work with the older stuff from Prowler, it does however, work very well with all of Prowler's newer K-27's, C-16's and the RGS20, it also works very well with Ben Neal's C-18's...............:wave::wave::wave: