Railfan Pack! Teaser!

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Good to see you MuttsMooch!

Good to see you MuttsMooch! Are the railfan items available yet?
"Has it changed?" Well...it changes everyday yet it remains the same.:hehe:
Wow.....is it "The Enforcer"...or "Mr. Awesome".....or "D. Hayward" come crawling back? With posts such as in threads like these:


I'm surprised you would come back here anymore. Hmmm, I must have misjudged your attitude somehow. Well, gee, I'm sorry, welcome back I guess.

MuttsMooch said:
"Well, thanks for flaming me some when I try and return with some good news..."

You're welcome, I guess, but I don't see how I flamed you.
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Hrm.. I'm just going to have this thread nuked and 'go crawling back' to the dark side, then. I thought this would be a good thing, but apparently I'm the target of tasteless, senseless comments that have nothing to do with my original post.

If you want to learn more about my Railfan Pack (The original topic, by the way.) You can visit http://uslw.net/ or http://gaurc.us/

Good bye!

Wait....what is "the darkside" then? Is that like some Anti-Trainz Establishment movement or some junk? And who posted tasteless, senseless comments anyway? Let me see, no, I didn't post anything "Tasteless" unless you are saying the link to the post where you and your comrades posted was "tasteless"....(and then I would agree), and as far I can see everything I posted is true....so how can that be senseless.......exactly? Your original post seemed to indicate that you have been away awhile, and now you are returning, and has anything changed? I don't see how my confusion based on your posts in a different forum are off topic......but, never the less......

.... don't run off on my account. One man's opinion should not sway your own self esteem like that. I don't remember "flaming" you anyway, I merely have expressed my confusion at your return, when in the past (relevant as you may or may not believe the past is) you seemed to show such scorn for the site, the company, the employees and the mods. Now surely I've not slandered you by linking to a post that provides example of this, and have done your reputation no harm by listing your nicknames. I have to admit I'm confused by your sudden turn about, but then....I'm easily confused.

Anyway, it matters not to anyone what I think, I'm sure the mods here will welcome you back with the grace they have shown everyone else. I really admire their consistent ability to avoid "holding a grudge". I'm not that forgiving of a person, which is why I was never offered a moderating position here!

But I digress.....no, don't go away, welcome back! I'm certain that some will enjoy your content!

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Well there seems to be no need for this thread....

Well there seems to be no need for this thread anymore...:'(
I vote close it.
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