Radio Chatter ?

Hi, Is there such a thing as adding Radio Chatter to a Engine?Thanks,Ed

No, but it's good idea. Random radio chatter in the cab, like in MSFS tower chatter. Expand on that and include the option to talk to the controller by using TTS voices. Sonething to consider for the next Trainz version.
Sure. It will be called Trainz Ultimate Classics and will include all of the bombs from previous versions. Place you order at least one year in advance.
There is a GameScript API function to play a WAV file. Larry included some real railway radio "yak" clips as an optional feature on earlier Razorback activities but due to the sound bug in TRS2006 it's not included in our current releases.

I have some radio chatter on the download site that is made to add to engines. The chatter stays with the engine, its not just parked on the side. They are set up for 06 but I think could be made to work in 04 with a slight modification to the sound container lines.
They are kuid 39134:100832, 100834 & 100835.
Open the folder and inside there is an instruction folder that explains how to add them to any engine. They do require you to add a sound script container to the config file, which is very easy to do in 06. In 04 you would have to write it in manually. And as I said earlier there would have to be a slight mod made to the lines that I show in the instructions for 04 to be able to read the .wav file. I have not however tested them in 04.
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There is a GameScript API function to play a WAV file. Larry included some real railway radio "yak" clips as an optional feature on earlier Razorback activities but due to the sound bug in TRS2006 it's not included in our current releases.

John, can you say exactly and qualitatively what the sound bug in 2006 is?
I agree it's "all screwed up", but it would be interesting to hear from an expert exactly what is wrong.
Mick Berg.
I certainly can't claim to be an expert but thanks for the compliment!

TRS2004: Sound always works perfectly.

TRS2006: On some computers some or all of the various sound components fade in and out, or suddenly cut in and out, apparently at random. Changing the DirectX hardware acceleration configuration can sometimes help but not always. Changing the sound board hardware can sometimes help but not always. So far nobody (AFAIK) has figured out the precise conditions under which the sound will work or fail. Upgrading to SP1 doesn't help (AFAIK).

TC: Sorry, don't know.

Another way to add Radio Chatter... invest in a SCANNER--- and have it on when your riding the rails! :D I bought one at Radio Shack and this model has a band just for Railroads. The only downside to this (outside of cost) is your location. If you are too far from any rails, you might not pick up anything, or, you may have to purchase an outside antenna. Luckily, I live within 5 miles of two UP/BNSF diamonds, so I hear plenty! I'm still going to invest in an outside anntenna so perhaps I can pick up the Little Rock and Memphis yards. It's fun to hear them talking about the towns and stuff right where I live!:)