Radio Chatter: A Trainz Online Event.

Trainz commuter rail is going to be doing something called Radio Chatter. What it is is basically a huge gallery of all sorts of different pictures and links to videos. There are a a lot of different topics and things to see. It will only be there for a few days. The exact date isn't set in stone because me and a few of the other mods on our site are running t and we need a good date. The ideas of when we may do it are marked on the sites calender. There is a catch: you must join the forums to see any of this. it is all hidden from guests. If you join and happen to have a lot to contribute to the project, you will get special acess to the forum before it goes public (the radio chatter one) It is almst like a festival for trainzers online. Just come on down and join oiur forums for this event. (we plan on trying to do it anually) There is a small part of it that is public to members that lets them suggest things for it as well. Well we are going to try and make this big and really kick start our new site, so drop by and take a look around.
It is an event on a forum. It is a ton of galleries opf pictures, videos, and in a few cases cobtent. The forums are making content regularly as well. The event has no set date yet, but has a lot of stuff in thwe works. If you have anything to contribute like screenshots or rail pictures please join or contact me.
Its just we opened up the forum and you can post what you want,you can embed youtube videos funny pics other stuff.

so kinda like the screenshot forum but you can do a tad more with it (as in share more)

Sounds ok, i mean i think alot of forums allready have that in seperate threads, but still sorta kool
YEah it was my idea. And yeah gandalf pretty much got it right. Tghe only difference here is that it is tons and tons of screens and real rail pics and even off topic screens seperated into several galleries so people can see. it may take a while to set up and we need a lot of help. If you have anything to contribute please PM me.
thanks. Hopefully it will draw more people to the site. We also do need a lot of screens and pics. We can't be sure when it will open because it takes three and now maybe four people a long time to gather the amount of content we need by our selfs. (ps a radio chatter prmiere may be my NJT cab Car if i can get the textures to load, i hope i can get it working!)
A mix, since if it was ALL our onw stuff we would have way too little of a showcase to even begin to advertise. We don't even have that mush posted there yet. We are mainly doing behind the scenes planning on Yahoo messenger and the likes, and in the private mod forum.
Guys, It's for real Railroad pictures, Embeding videos, Talking about real world stuff.

Like the "Prototype Forum" In Mainline - Trainz Discussion.

Just a little more or less off the topic.
It's also got a lot of trainz screens too. Apparently my new mod hasn't started looking around the forum with his new abilities yet lol
Submit any trainz screens or rail pictures or links to videos on like say youtube or google that we can post to. If you have enough content i can grant you temporary acess to it to post the stuff yourself. Unfortuantly the video embedding isn't working. I'm working on that issue now but with little luck. If you want to post your content yourself pm me on the forum so i can grant you the temporary acess.