Question about hills.


New member
I like to do a lot of dabbling in the surveyor (nothing DLS worthy) and since I live in a mountainous area, I would like to make a route with some good hills and mountains to wind its way through and work its way up some decent grades. I know how to make hills, adjust the sensitivity and radius, and use the plateau tool. I also know how to apply a gradient to track, adjust the height of one end of the spline, and so on. What I want to do is make the slope of a hill, or part of it, a particular angle so that the tack lays flat on it as it works up the hill.

For example, lets say my line is approaching a hill and I don't want to dig a tunnel and just work my way up the hill. If I lay the track on the hill as is, even curving around, the track becomes very uneven and, in some parts, becomes bumpy because that's just how the surveyor tools I know about work. Can I level it out so that I can have a consistent, say 2% grade around the hill and lay the track down on that so that it is a relatively smooth way up?

Did any of that make sense?

Thanks in advance!
In the advanced dropdown of the Track flyout, the middle row is gradient tools. Enter your number (in this case "2") and then click on the button to the right, "Use Gradient", then click on each section of track just past the spline point. It will adjust the further spline point so that it is at a 2% grade. If this doesn't quite match your hillside you can then use the "Smooth Spline" tool to bring the ground up to meet those splines (so they're not floating in midair or diving into the ground).
You can do the same thing to go down hill by putting a - in front of the number, and also use up to 2 decimal points (ie 0.75, -1.03... handy if you're trying to create a proto route and are following the track charts)
You can create a hill by laying lengths of track side by side with a bit of a gap and adjusting them to get the contour you are after. Then raise the surface to these tracks. You can then lay your track on this new surface.
You can create a hill by laying lengths of track side by side with a bit of a gap and adjusting them to get the contour you are after. Then raise the surface to these tracks. You can then lay your track on this new surface.

What I like to use is a four-lane roadway spline to make a wide path. Try it.