Question about a Theoretical Module


Active member
Is there any interest in a module route that to attempts to recreate the operations a large rock quarry that handles unit trains up to 115 cars long with their own industrial switching and a class 2 or 3 regional moving these trains down 60 miles of double and single track mainline to a hand-off yard and city with an amtrak station which sees a surge of traffic around spring for a so called tournament during the spring?

Thanks Godwin Woodland
Are you interested in it? I think that is the only question relevant.
Without the maker being interested, the chances of this project getting finished or done well are limited ;) .
I am have have the track plans of a local quarry in my area to the yard in my hometown city. however i planned on taking a little creative ingenuity to solve a few of the areas rail problems. I has wondering if anyone would also be interested in it.
Not quite on the same scale but I always thought the Somerset quarries at Merehead and Whatley in the UK, running out on the main line as far as Westbury would make an interesting subject.

At the end of the day though, as oknotsen states, you should build a route primarily because it interests you and, if later you decide to share it and others enjoy it, there's an added bonus.
If you're building a route to please someone else, you're doing it wrong.

You WILL lose interest and you will hate working on it, leading to failure.