Queensland Sugar Cane Railways


New member
Managed to grab a few days break in North Queensland and took time out to get some coverage of the sugar cane railways in the area. All but one of Queensland's mills are 2' gauge and combined they haul over 30 million tonnes of cane a year.

First up, Mulgrave Mill No 18 passes under the 3'6" gauge Queensland Rail line that takes the tourist train up to Kuranda.

The most northerly mill is Mossman. Here a couple of 0-6-0 diesels head back to the mill with a load. The hills in the background are the World Heritage listed Daintree Rainforest.

A twin bogie diesel built locally by E M Baldwin - at Mossman Mill

A rebuilt twin bogie loco rebuilt from a former 3'6" gauge switcher on the Tully Mill network

Two of Tully Mill's 0-6-0s

Another shot of Mulgrave 18, this time looking down from the QR 3'6" gauge line. This location is no more than 15 minutes drive from the centre of Cairns and was only 5 minutes from my beach side hotel!

South Oz
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those are some really nice pictures. If I was any good at creating locos, I wouldn't mind having a go at those 0-6-0's, but I guess I'd better leave it to someone else. I'd botch it up.
:eek::eek::eek: Wow,

I don't believe it, fresh talk about Sugarcane.

Great photos grms, :udrool:

I said a long while back,
That with all the sugarcane railways around the World
It's a shame there doesn't seem to be that much
interest in Trainz. For example after all these years of
Trainz we still dont have any industry active Sugar mills etc.
or basics like loadable cane bins. There are only 4 Sugarcane
trains (that i'm aware of) & some cane bins:confused:
Must be a 2ft thing, Discriminators :hehe::hehe:
Anyway, i will always love sugar industry,
Mmm Bundaberg Rum:D

I have always liked the Philippines sucar cane railways http://www.farrail.net/ go to trip report and scroll down to the Philippines section. My favorites are those 3ft gauge baldwin 0-6-0's with the cabbage stack on em'! I have loved them ever since I first saw a picture of one in the book "Steam Railways of the World" by Patrik Whitehouse.

A few more from the same trip

A couple of Babinda Mill's 0-6-0s push back across the main street into the mill, early in the evening.


One of Mulgrave's big locos (a rebuilt ex QR DH) waits to exchange loads at Redlynch

Another rebuilt DH, but this time from Tully Mill

South Oz
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