Purpose of KUID table?


Trainz Addict
I am working on a very large layout, and the KUID table contains 400 entries.
I believe I will not be able to add anymore (different) content to the layout once the table gets to 500 (not exactly sure about that number).

I have been experimenting with the CMP and CCP and see that I can delete the entire KUID table, then have it rebuilt with only the content my layout is currently using.
Otherwise, the table will reach the limit, even if I am not using all of the content listed in it, as I have seen KUID's added just for trying out a new ground texture, then using undo to get rid of it (it still gets written to the table).
This problem does not seem to occur for buildings, etc which can easily be deleted from the layout.

Any suggestions for managing the KUID table and preventing it from filling up?
BTW, what IS the limit on the number of KUID's that can be used for one map?


The KUID table in the config.txt for the DHR contains 1866 items. This table is not limited to anything other than the size of your hard drive. The table that you have to watch out for is the TEXTURE table, which can contain only 256 entries (0-255).

I have updated a program called ERAZOR that will let you eliminate (completely) textures from this table and re-fill them with different textures. It can be found here:


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Further info. ;)

You asked for the 'purpose of kuid-table'.
  1. Assets: Well, basically it was thought for the DS to know what dependencies to handle, list and eventually download with the helper.
  2. But, in some special assets, scripted, it is used by scripters to call and define several strings and corresponding kuid numbers.
  3. For routes, essential for telling the route asset which dependencies to call.
Outside the DS, for purpose 1 it can be left blank and the asset will work without any problem. But for purposes 2 and 3, it is always needed.

The tabled side of Alberte :wave:
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After removing the KUID table for my layout, I commit the file, then run the layout. I usually get a warning of missing assets, but when I choose to open the file anyway, everything is fine.
After I save the layout again, the KUID table is re-written, hopefully with only the assets I am using.
I am going to check the "supress asset warnings" checkbox and be done with it.
I always have a backup of my layouts, so it's not really that bad if something goes terribly wrong and I have to revert back to an earlier saved version.

I think I will try the Erazer program.

Groundtextures overpainted or removed can sometimes remain in the kuid-table until the route is saved again. This is "normal".

Try to stay off the "undo", it can lead to trouble.

Checking "supress asset warnings" has no benefit. There are some rouge-assets out there that can stuff up things in a map and/or in CMP's database. Running faulty assets without even knowing is a hazard and will have an impact on the performance.
Erazor will work with TRS2006, but the map must be open for edit before you try and Eraze the GND file. Another menu item in Erazor will just open the GND file "read only" and give you a text file with information concerning the texture tables and the map in general.

I would like to try Erazor, but I am unable to find the Erazor texture (Kuid 44700:11992) the last time I checked in DLS, but maybe the server was busy or whatever.

Is there a way to find faulty assets on a route? I would like to track down which one(s) are giving me the warning, and remove them.

I have tried numerous times using the menu item "Delete Missing Assets", but it does not appear to have any effect - I still receive the asset warning.

I believe that the cause of my trouble is that I started going through the asset database and re-naming textures to have more descriptive names. Perhaps I messed up the dependencies on some of my assets.
I also went through disabling some ground textures so that they would not appear in the palette.

I guess I should have thought about all of this before starting my layout. I didn't need to use so many ground textures.
As I stand now, I have not used up the 255 that I am allowed, but surely having so many textures is going to create performance issues.

If someone could help me find the Erazor texture file, I would appreciate it.



Faulty assets in TRS2006 will pop to the surface using CMP. For TRS2004, a program called TrainzOptionz works very well. Googling will find a place to download it as I don't have the URL handy.

The DLS does definitely have the Erazor texture, but here is a link just in case:


Changing asset names can be a bit tricky.

EDIT: Just went to the DLS and, boy, is it screwed up. putting in a search for 44700 11992 produces a diesel engine made by Narrowgauge with a different KUID number. No wonder you can't find it. Putting in 44700 <anything> produces NOTHING and I know Peter has things on the DLS.

Re-EDIT: found it - put in "Texture Erazor Mesh 10R" and the right one will come up.

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Thanks much!
I seem to have fixed my asset problem, using CMP. I missed the one broken asset earlier, but finding it, all that I needed to do was convert from TRS2004 to 06.
I'm still curious about Erazor, and thanks for the help with DLS


Faulty assets in TRS2006 will pop to the surface using CMP. For TRS2004, a program called TrainzOptionz works very well. Googling will find a place to download it as I don't have the URL handy.

The DLS does definitely have the Erazor texture, but here is a link just in case:


Changing asset names can be a bit tricky.

EDIT: Just went to the DLS and, boy, is it screwed up. putting in a search for 44700 11992 produces a diesel engine made by Narrowgauge with a different KUID number. No wonder you can't find it. Putting in 44700 <anything> produces NOTHING and I know Peter has things on the DLS.

Re-EDIT: found it - put in "Texture Erazor Mesh 10R" and the right one will come up.

I want to thank you personally for providing me with the info I needed to download the Erazor texture file. I still could not find it in DLS using the title you provided, but then I realized that I had only TRS2006 and TRS2004 checked. After checking Trainz the search found it.

I first made a backup of my route, then tested the backup to make sure it worked.
Then I loaded my route file and applied the Erazor texture. It's kind of fun to do, and reminds me of laying tarp out on the grass you want to kill!
I am now waiting for Erazor to do it's work. I understand that this process takes a while, considering that my .gnd file is 76MB.
I also understand that I may still have undesired textures in my route if I did not overlay enough of the route with the Erazor texture. For now, I'm just playing with it.

Of course I have to remember to Commit the file after Erazor is done, or I'll think it did nothing at all!

Thanks again

Looks like you nailed my Erazor just right. Laying tarp on crab grass - I love it!

Making a backup isn't really necessary if you elect to let Erazor make an 'insurance' backup of the GND file. But no matter, it will work just fine with your method.

Correct about still having textures that remain if you don't completely eraze all of the undesirable texture. Erazor has an option (read up in the Help file first!) that will allow substitution of one texture for another. Say, for instance, you have a good texture you want to keep, and a bad texture you want to eliminate (or replace). Erazor will allow you to substitute the good texture for all the occurrences of the bad texture. This gets it out of the texture table.

What I did was create a "backup" so that I still have my un-erazed route.
I then covered all of the textured areas of the route with the Erazer texture to produce a completely fresh landscape.
I now have the option of working from scratch or going back to my partially textured route.
At this point, I would like to start over with texturing. I am going to play around with various textures on a test layout before I choose them for the real one.

That's mostly what I do - do a test first. One never knows how a texture will look when adjacent to another so be sure to do some 'patching' in places to see how they blend. Never could figure out why, of all tables, the texture table has to be limited.
