
Mr Grumpy
I see that there is now a thread about railway beer mats, so to go along on a similar theme I invite photos of railway related pub signs.

1 The Midland Hotel, Woodlesford near Leeds. The sign is twisted, I was not drunk when I took the photo! (Honestly! Hic!!!)


2 The Railway, East Ardsley, between Wakefield and Leeds.


Looking forwards to your shots!

there is a pub in stevenage, hertfordshire called 'the mallard' its next to the 'old stevenage station' pre 1973 station (not there any more)

havnt got a photo i dont live near there or ever go there its one of those 'dont go in there unless your missing two teeth and have your name tattooed on your knuckles' palces. i like the down the local with the lads for a quite pint :D any one for a drink? its my round :hehe:
Here's another pub which meets the criteria:-


The Railway at Drighlington near Bradford, built near the now defunct Great Northern line.

No sorry thats rubbish the cant spell wheres the "i" ? :hehe:
So you don't want to contribute any thing positive it's alright by me:cool:. How about you get off your backside and take a better shot? Anyone with half a brain cell can see the pub is a little run down and the "I" has simply fallen off.

And, on another point where's your flipping grammar?


PS. This has been a moment when the sense of humour has had a few seconds rest.:D
No sorry thats rubbish the cant spell wheres the "i" ? :hehe:
So you don't want to contribute anything positive, that's all right by me!:confused: Why don't you get off your backside and go take a better photo? Anyone with half a brain cell could see that the "I" has simply fallen off.:cool:

Whilst on the subject of "rubbish", I notice that your grammar could do with tidying up, but I am too much of a gentleman to comment!:p

Thanks Blackwatch, it looks like I'm repeating myself now!

Thanks Blackwatch, it looks like I'm repeating myself now!

Hey John, these Aussies have just had a really long bank holiday weekend in the pub, maybe their i-sight has gone a bit funny...:hehe:
And his grammar is probably cooking dinner for his Grandpa..:hehe:

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
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Hi Ex-Railwayman, so you dared me to post a recent photo. Well here it is, taken while doing research for this thread. It's a pint of Yorkshire real ale, I am a lager free zone!:p


I hope nobody takes offence at this photo or the good natured digs at each other!

Never mind the pubs, let's go right to the source :p


The Steam Whistle Brewery in Toronto, located in one third of the John Street Roundhouse (the old CPR roundhouse). This photo taken this spring during Doors Open, featuring Brewery Tours, a few model train displays, we did a TotR display and miniture stram train rides outside. :udrool:
There are a few items of rolling stock in storage in another part of the roundhouse, they also were on display.
Nice photo of the dark brew John, hope you didn't play trainz after supping that....:hehe:

BTW, apparently my photographs have disappeared from the other thread for some unknown reason. I've e-mailed the Auran helpdesk to obtain an explanation. Will endeavour to get my smug face on here one of these days.....

Nice photos from Dave in Brampton, I'll have to put this down as a "must place to visit" when I'm next in Toronto.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
Two shots of the Railway Tavern in Bentley, near Doncaster. Looks like an A4 in wartime black livery, with BR series number (60008?), and optional nameplates! Looks like the frames could do with a visit to the works for some attention, and the wheels might run better if they were all the same size. Even a professional (lol) artist can make a pigs ear and get away with it.

More contributions would be nice!



As mentioned in the rail photographers thread here is the sign at the Station Hotel at Castleford! LMS loco, NER station! The pub sign is quite nice, but from ground level with normal eyesight you can not tell what it is! (Its a Jubilee at York Station!)

Its me again!

Well the rail photographer thread seems to have started running with me! Let's hope this thread also gets some other people adding pictures!:)

Here is a quick lesson for any one. This is a nice sign on The Plant, a pub outside the entrance to the much reduced ex- LNER locomotive and carriage works in Doncaster.


Lesson! Look at both sides of each sign you find.


Result, the loco is now finished!

what does "Free House" refer too?

boy i'd love one of those for my wall.:)

"Free House" means that the pub is not "Tied" (owned) by any particular brewery, so it is "Free" to get it's beer from who ever they like. :)

I've had a few pints in "The Plant", it' just round the corner from my brothers house. (his back garden wall is also the boundary wall of "The Crimpsall" (part of the works). :D
Doncaster works- The Plant

Hi Blackwatch, did you ever walk alongside that tall wooden fence whilst looking through the small gaps? If any one wonders why- you could see through a bit like watching an old jerky film, when you could see a locomotive you stuck your binoculars to the relevant gap to get it's number!

When you were at the paint shops there was a tall concrete wall which you could scramble up to see through the windows, it was a bit sharp on your fingers when all your body weight was hanging on them. I bet your brothers neighbours thought we were mad. And I suppose they were right!:confused:

What a joy to find a sort of unofficial tour ran most Sunday lunchtimes! I wonder if management knew about this, I was once at Knottingley depot with my mate who was there on his own to prevent trainspotters invading(Saturday afternoon only time no coal trains in those days) A BR employee from Westbury rolled up and asked if he could show "a couple" of mates around. We said OK and were amazed to see a whole 44 seat coach load of trainspotters descend like a plague of locusts!

If you've read so far here are a few photos, sorry about the quality!





I think this 56 is in the Plant, could anyone confirm or disprove? Is the chimney part of Doncaster power station?(now a prison)


And one taken about 1970 when Blue Peter was tarted up at the plant, I am one of the young kids on the front of the loco! Sorry it's so dark.

