If a line is governed by DTC (Direct Traffic Control), how would diamods be protected, since there are no signals? Just by tack warrants, or would there be signals for the diamond?
It requires four signals placed around it (and named) but it works fine with invisible signals:
kuid:[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial]46819:24011
kuid:[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial]45324:24010:1
There are a bunch of other invisible signals too.
Incidentally if you're building an "unsignalled" layout your AI trains will have conniptions. If you use invisible signals the AI trains will function normally (or as normally as AI trains do in TRS!) and when you're in Driver you won't see them so it appears correct.
No, they will not have any problems. I don't drive ALL trains by drivers, just the AI ones. I actually drive mine on my own, using the levers and buttons, and I place trackmarks at sidings so I can order an AI train into the siding. Works every time. Signals play no part in it. The only thing they help with is showing if switches ahead are opened or closed.