problems with VR Car Transporter

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New member
It seems that I keep getting a thread exception error in the VR Car Transporter (the big long flat top one) and if I have it as part of a consist, and go to use the 'drive' mode on that consist... Ooop! up comes that nuisance thread exception error, which can be got around by clicking on 'Continue' but if you go to blow the horns on that or another consist,,, up it comes again, what this is indicating is that this item has a problem ini it and using that item spreads this same problem onto other non infected items or consists..

I had anohter consist sitting in the same station as that conisst with the VR car transporter in it, headed by a couple of T's and a H1, which was headed by two NR's and when I blew the horns on the NR consist, the same thread exception error popped up again...

However, when I took all of the three VR car transporters out of my layout, no problems...

Pity!... I really like the VR Car Transporter and would like to see one done in CR, and AN as well, maybe even Pacific National and National Rail... or even CFCLA...I have seen many freight trains up around Port Augusta with these on them loaded with cars... they are one of the things that has been missing from TRS....

Could we also have that long AN SGRX gondola in VR, and a few other lieveries too?...
Hmmm, this is new to me :(

Can you please post a screenshot of the error?

Also, what version of TRS are you using?

I've got a feeling you may be missing part of the 'superscript'. Have you installed all the dependencies?

:wave: Hi bushymo


these AN Car Transporters will be on the DLS today ( i hope :D )

and this one


is still being worked on at the moment but is a fictionanly SA Car Transporter and should be on the DLS soon :D

sorry forgot to say they are TRS04 and up to TC
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Got Those

:) Yeah! got those, and they do work OK, I had a look at the dependencies and there is no superscript file mentoned there, though I do notice that some of the other assets in the DLS do have the AJS superscript with the photo of the UK pullman passenger coach, that one... but then I went back to see if that one was mentoned in the ALX car tranpsorter but it is not among the list of dependencies...

I have to get this very frustrating fault with my TRS 2006 sorted out first before I can get back to that, like many other members here, I too am having problem with the 'Cannot Register Trainz URL, It has to be something simple like a correct port no. for your intenet connection with Auran or something, but so far not too many of us have cracked the kernel of the nut open to find that solution...

since registering with Planet Auran, I have not been able to import anything, nor use the paintshed, nor edit assets in the CMP. it's all got me beaten somehow... but I am not the only member suffering this really annoying hiccup in TRS... I read where TRS 1009 is also beset with similar and other flaws... the most fundaamental thing with game software of any kind, is to perfect what you are selling now before you go on to release a subsequent edition... otherwise us members are simply going to lose all confidence in the sim or whatever game any company produces.

I still think Auran has the best sim, and if we think to look back in time, the old MS Trainsim was a real hash, and it was so difficult for novices to create their own layouts in that. I also read in the forum where one member was disapointed in the other sim, which doesn't surprise me, but not having heard much or anything about it, or its sucess, I have very little idea of it's problems....

I'm sticking to Auran, but like many here, we just want to get the problem irnoed out and get to enjoy the best of what it (TRS) can do for us.
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