Problem with "Wait for trigger"


New member
I haven't had much luck trying to use this command when setting up a route for AI trains because the train which is waiting for a trigger to be activated always seems to hold the next junction that it will be using. This prevents another train from being able to reach the track that has the trigger in several places since the junction can't be switched. I did try a "Release Junction" command I found but it didn't do anything so I'm probably clueless in what it is supposed to do.

I've also found that the "Runaround" command won't work when "Couple to Vehicle" and "UncoupleZ" (and other similar non-standard commands) are used with tracks that are signalled because the signal prevents the engine from entering the track with the cars due to the track being occupied. Obviously it will be occupied in the case of doing a runaround. :rolleyes: Runarounds seem to work fine when using the built-in commands for coupling and uncoupling but I often need to work with specific cars that are already in the middle of coupled up trains. In these cases, the cars aren't in the list of available selections using the standard couple/uncouple commands. Any ideas/suggestions about these things? Thanks.

Craig T
Try driving to a trackmark just before where you want the AI train to wait for trigger, it should not hold junctions hostage then :)
You dont use the runround command with uncouple, is included in the runround command, if you tell it to uncouple a unit in the rake the the runround command can not work be cause you now have 2 rakes and it cant get to the other end ( the 2 units where you uncoupled ) and if you just uncouple the loco it dont have a rake assosiated with it to runround anymore, !
Not sure how you have the commands set up in the wait for trigger. For it to work the train first needs to drive to a trackmark or industry/station followed by the wait for trigger command. you cant have triggers in several places as the wait command only lets you select one trigger, name two triggers the same will not work as this makes them void.

As said below the runaround command is a standalone command, it uncouples and couples within itself. I always use the couple at trackmark command to couple to consist that dont have a number/name when setting up and so far ive found that if you use a distant signal/yellow then it does stop but on a stop/go signal have noticed that it will creep through on what ive got.
I tried driving to a trackmark after unloading at an industry and then using the "Wait for trigger" command but it holds the junction so other trains can't use it. I also tried using the "Wait for trigger" then drive to a trackmark before the junction in the hopes that might work but no-go. I originally did the "Unload" at the industry and then a "Wait for trigger" but both give the same results. It takes 45minutes to reach the point of this command being used so it makes for a lot of wasted time when testing.

I don't uncouple from the consist when doing a runaround but when using those commands I mentioned to make up the consist, runaround doesn't work properly, at least for me. I can only get it to work by deleting the signal for entering the passing track so the signal won't indicate that the track is occupied and prevent the engine from entering. Thanks guys.

Craig T
The runaround command should ignor the signal. but it might not work if you use a distant/warning signal. Use just a stop/go signal. also it wont move if it detects another train that may be about to use the track it wants. Ive been operating a single track from a double track with trains every 30 minutes. my train arrives at station loads and waits for trigger. the trigger is placed 200m down the single track from the junction. the up train crosses the trigger the signal stays red until up train pulls into station on the other track. the down train will then proceed. Im assuming you named the trigger and in the wait for trigger selected it and selected any train. You could try and set the lever in surveyor for the train exiting the single track.
It takes 45minutes to reach the point of this command being used so it makes for a lot of wasted time when testing.

Craig T

Add the line


to your trainzoptions.txt file.

Hold the shift key down, and the time will be accelerated.