I haven't had much luck trying to use this command when setting up a route for AI trains because the train which is waiting for a trigger to be activated always seems to hold the next junction that it will be using. This prevents another train from being able to reach the track that has the trigger in several places since the junction can't be switched. I did try a "Release Junction" command I found but it didn't do anything so I'm probably clueless in what it is supposed to do.
I've also found that the "Runaround" command won't work when "Couple to Vehicle" and "UncoupleZ" (and other similar non-standard commands) are used with tracks that are signalled because the signal prevents the engine from entering the track with the cars due to the track being occupied. Obviously it will be occupied in the case of doing a runaround.
Runarounds seem to work fine when using the built-in commands for coupling and uncoupling but I often need to work with specific cars that are already in the middle of coupled up trains. In these cases, the cars aren't in the list of available selections using the standard couple/uncouple commands. Any ideas/suggestions about these things? Thanks.
Craig T
I've also found that the "Runaround" command won't work when "Couple to Vehicle" and "UncoupleZ" (and other similar non-standard commands) are used with tracks that are signalled because the signal prevents the engine from entering the track with the cars due to the track being occupied. Obviously it will be occupied in the case of doing a runaround.

Craig T