Posting in the Auran Trainz Forum


Hello All

I am sorry that I have to bring this up but recent events dictate it. This is a freindly helpful community where we come to exchange ideas and learn from new ideas and suggestions. Recently there have been those that would have it become a continuing personal discussion. That's not the way it works here.

If a poster tries to stir up trouble outside the limits of the Auran Trainz Code of Conduct, please let it go. Don't perpetuate it.

Your Mods and Auran will deal with it.

In the meantime, enjoy your experience in the Trainz Community. :)


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"My Fault,My Fault,My Grievous Fault." However why Ed should accept all the blame,I don't know.He obviously has very broad shoulders:p

Regards Bruce

Actually I have narrow shoulders, but very broad belly and buttocks! Trust me on this: AJ knows of what I take responsibility for.......;)
Actually I have narrow shoulders, but very broad belly and buttocks!;)

Just so long as you have some good load bearing parts,if you are going to take responsibility.
Amiga is right though,there are a few of us who should take our share of the blame.:o
Regards Bruce
Yes, it's not just obese ed that is to blame. There is obviously some personal discussions occuring in this vicinty. And personal discussions take two to tango.

In the words of some hard shelled insects, let it be.
Bit annoyed that I missed that one.
Although no longer using trainz I do find it an entertaining read sometimes and useful occasionally on technical matters.;) :D

A former trainz virtual mariner
Personal discussions?
What's the world coming to.
Who would do such a thing?

BTW, Lol Ed. :hehe::hehe::hehe:

But aren't you a mod too Casy J?????
If you are, i believe you are participating in the act of personal discussion with another of your kind. If you are not, then you sure do seem suspicious :hehe: .


I thought I had to say something in their defense, since you are all in the confession stage.
The problem with these threads, is no one is likely to take you seriously, since they make a joke of it. ;)

Oops, my apologies to everyone that feels a bit upset after I said that. :(