Portal with Matching Track



I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I am looking for a Portal that is based on the default "Portal Basic" the new one needs the abillity to have the track change to match the ajoining track, I have not had any luck getting the built in version to do this. I would also like the new portal to be shorter if possible and to have the same complatibility and functionality as the default one.

If there is not one avalible can I clone the orginal one and make the changes to the config, Will making the changes break any of the compatiblity of the portal.

Thanks for any help.
I just tried (using TRS2006) portal basic (30501:22006) and the shorter portal basic short (96914:22000) and they both assume the track type that you attach to it.

Thanks for the information, I must be doing something wrong in TRS2006.

I place the "Portal Basic" on the board then I join a piece of track from my route to the portal, Nothing changes. I will check what the KUID is for the Portal basic that I am using.

On the "Portal Baic Short", I sore some where that it was not full compatible with the default portal, Is this true? if so what are the limitations of it.

Thanks for your help.
Thanks for the information, I must be doing something wrong in TRS2006.

I place the "Portal Basic" on the board then I join a piece of track from my route to the portal, Nothing changes. I will check what the KUID is for the Portal basic that I am using.

On the "Portal Baic Short", I sore some where that it was not full compatible with the default portal, Is this true? if so what are the limitations of it.

Thanks for your help.

There have been many reports that the shoet portal doesnt work correct
maybe its to short to take long consits ? I know I have had problems trying to use it so now leave it well alone
Thanks for all the help.

I tried again over the weekend and they do work properly, I must have done something wrong last time I tried. I will also keep an I on the short version to see that it works correctly.
