poor Ole Johnny Reb,


New member
He'll get no sleep tonight,
Now that the "DICTATOR" is in town.
the Dictator was a 13inch seacoast mortar stationed on a small flat. She could lob a 300 lb shell over 2 miles, and could reduce nearly any type of known fortification.







Notes, This was an old project, (3 years ago)agon,
but when you select the "H" horn button, she will fire a salvo.

So, when pulling/pushing her about, PLEASE follow proper weapons proceedures, or else the locals may not be so happy with your passing.
Thanks for the files Whec now we put our heads togeather and get a Broadside out of the wooden warriors :udrool: FIRE!!!
when available


We are in the "alpha stages now,, working out then "engine" file issues to make it free roll, but not take off under its own power,

Once that is worked out,, then to a few testors for trs2006 compatability,, then off to the DLS

Consumes no loadouts at this time,, would not know how to tell it to consume due that in real life the 2 boxcars and flat held her powder, shell, crew, and of course the wood and rails needed to build her a solid stable platform to fire from. ( and fix what she broke or bent)

the recoil went downward, hell on track gangs as it reportedly bent downward many a rail. sort of a divit., I bet she popped a few rails too with a firing load of a 200 or 300 pb shell, with a charge of 25 to 35 lbs of powder, that and her own weight of 17,000 lbs,, what a shock it must have made!!!
As the barrel is angled there would be a horizontal component to the recoil. Either they allowed it to roll back or used some form of restraint (e.g. ropes, scotches). Look at films of the WW1 and WW2 rail guns to see the recoil from an angled barrel in action.