Polish real line Gliwice - Rybnik


Trainz Map Builder
I present You my work of real polish line: Gliwice - Rybnik (about 40 km). I'm using HOG, Microdem for modelling terrain.

That's for now.
J'm presenting my work on www.trainz.pl as Jamal
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Looks nice judging by the thumbnails. However, is it possible for you to upload them full size onto the forum? I am reluctant to view them on ImageShack because I keep getting clobbered with pop-ups.

Best wishes,
Amazing piece of work! please show us more when you can, they are very inspiring, at least for me, ;)

I`ll be impatiently waiting for it to be released.
Excellent work there,keep it up!:) Dependicies are the custom content you used in the route.:)
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Excellent work there,keeep it up!:) Dependicies are the custom content you used in the route.:)

Thank You very much!
Trees are on: www.trainz.cz (You must register) and www.trainzpedro.cz
Tracks and trackside accessories, buildings locos, and rolling stocks and others are on www.trainz.pl and www.chester.xt.pl
water (smal blue river) are on www.trainz.cz
grass is on DLS: Grasbueschel
cane is on DLS: Schilf1 and Schilf2
bridge is also on DLS, but I don't remember name
textures are on www.trainz.pl and www.hp-trainz.de
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Congatulations, mate, this one is definitely on my "must have" list.

Thank you for sharing your work with us. ;)


Excellant screens. I visited Poland a couple of years ago, and from what I can remember, your route looks incredible. Keep up the good work :)

Zieba, I can't find the correct words to loud your work - you know the "Railway" inside out.
