Yes, it is only the current downloads. I have done a bit of checking on-line and found that he has used .SRT files as a subtitle filename in the Speed Tree definitions.
SRT will not open in my 64bit Windows-7 Pro. Someone else has indicated that it should open with OPERA, VLC, and Windows Media Player. I have not tried VLC, however,
but the other two will not open either. This file is probably associated with the tree movement and so far I cannot find a suitable viewer that does it justice.
T;ANE must have a sub-folder that can open the files as a default part of the program. Sure wish I knew what it was (is). I would find how to get it installed in TS12 and
then all his graphics would work and also Speed Tree.
to CLAM1952:
Didn't Speed Tree open up in TS09 or TS10?? If that's the case and all the DLC has using the TS09 files still available, shouldn't I still have a default viewer in TS12 that would
open a backward-compatible file? Some of the 2009 products are now compatible with TS12 and just require a little change using the Content Manager. Should be pretty
I'm going to be doing some checking on this and find out which utility will do the job. I won't quit 'till I'm stumped !!