Please Help !


Please Help - Baseboards!


I am using trainz UTC and am wondering how you can have more than one baseboard. Idealy 2-4 . Do you have to download a 2-4 board map and delete everything on it or is there a simpler way ?

Phillip :confused:
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Click the Topology button,

the Advanced button ( at the bottom of the Topology tab ),

then the Extend button,

click on the blue just past the edge of the baseboard where you want to extend it and a new section should appear.

Hi djpip,

I am not sure about UTC s I never used it, but in TRS2004 you open the terrain tab then go to advanced, then L click on add. Decide where you want to add to i.e. N S E or W place your arrow over the side and L ckick once. A new board will appear in no time as if by magic.

Hope this helps,
It Worked

Thanks again. I am making a underground layout using 'London underground tunnels' and because they are so big , I needed more space. Thanks again.
DJ pip