Phantom Kuid


Steam Nut
I'm trying to find "<kuid2:126323:54012:1> Leslie RS3K" but cant. the TANE content manager claims its on the DLS, but cant download it. I tried the kuid index but it says its only built in to TS09 and 10. it also says its on the DLS, but again, I cant seem to find it. any help?
G'day, using the black pages DLS I found it and it is updated by:-
Leslie RS3K
Type: Miscellaneous
Downloaded: 3963
File Size: 386.43 kb
File Type: .cdp
Created by: trw1089
Date: 3rd February 2015
Version: TRS2004
KUID: <KUID2:126323:54012:2>

I hope this helps, I have this v2 in tane.
Thanks! btw, what are the black pages? im new to using the DLS. by the time I got TRS2006 working on my old computer it was long out of support.