Parts of the site not working

No version of Trainz using CM will validate at the moment. I tried 2009 v2.0 - TS12 v3.7.

TS12 49922 logged in and validated ok, T:ANE CE eventually after around 5 minutes, 2010 and TS12 61388 don't want to know.

That says to me it's an intermittent problem.

Edit: 2.47pm GMT nothing working at all now.
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Yep , hit and miss last night , now it's just crashed TS12 and I'm having to endure another database rebuild , I suppose we shouldn't complain I mean its been at least 2 weeks since the last Fiasco !!!
61388 says it has 10,000 odd items left to validate, killed that off. I'll just restore the backup, if and when things return to normal, hopefully that should avoid the validation...............

Fiasco is the right word. I started TS12 up as normal this morning and didn't realise anything was wrong until it decided to validate thousands of assets. Presumably it will need to validate everything again if the servers come back on line, wasting another couple of hours.

I don't understand why a company would want to implement a system that renders their product unusable and causes so much aggravation for their customers everytime somebody sneezes near the server.


Isnt it just wonderful that the company we all paid money to to use this game isnt able to even provide ONE WEEK of normal server operation? I dont see that this is happening at any FREE to play game....but well. Just my 2, very annoyed cents.

Isnt it just wonderful that the company we all paid money to to use this game isnt able to even provide ONE WEEK of normal server operation? I dont see that this is happening at any FREE to play game....but well. Just my 2, very annoyed cents.


To be honest with you Felix, it's quite common when the company is relying on a third party (which happens to have reliability issues anyway) to provide the internet side of their services.

To be honest with you Felix, it's quite common when the company is relying on a third party (which happens to have reliability issues anyway) to provide the internet side of their services.


Well, i see a few ways to solve that problem:

a.) Change the provider

b.) SUE the damn provider for not beeing able to provide what was actually written in the contract with N3V

c.)Simply set up some own servers, which isnt too much. And yap, i actually was 2 years on a school for IT technologies and also worked in a Data Center in Mannheim, Germany. So dont tell me its too expensive, too difficult blah blah. It simply IS NOT.

Its okay that this happens sometimes, but more than 2 times every month? and that since YEARS? Welp, i think SOMEONE may noticed the servers are **** already...but nothing changed. for years. So sorry....thats not acceptable. Really, come on....
To be honest with you Felix, it's quite common when the company is relying on a third party (which happens to have reliability issues anyway) to provide the internet side of their services.


I agree with Felix , If it's known that the third party has reliability issues then it's time for N3V to consider moving to a company that doesn't .
The only thing I'm wondering is if there's a contractual reason why this has not happened.


I was thinking the same. They maybe tied up with a long term contract which canceling can ensure a major cost due to N3V having to make up the difference. My old company faced this when they split from their provider. There was a charge equal to the last 3 year, out of a 5-year contract, of nearly $15,000.

The servers started acting up a bit last night at some point. I noticed that the homepage wouldn't load, but I figured that N3V might be doing something with it and didn't say anything. I noticed there have been registration issues too with a lot of users, and even posted about it. I wonder if the two are related....

I'll see if TS12 will work offline for me today. Hopefully I'll be able to get past this technical difficulty. I waited all weekend for the National Map Server to come online so I could download a DEM, I'd like to be able to work on my project I started on Friday.

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Funny,We pay for whats called a First Class Ticket but are getting Second class service. Sort it out ! This is getting too unreliable to be a paid for service.
We are now in Mid February. The next TANE milestone is mid March, only 30 days away.
Many of us, beta testers as well as creators are working furiously to assist in helping N3V make TANE a success. At the moment we are heavily reliant on doing much of the preparation in TS12 so that we have as large a pool of routes/sessions/objects available that will work in TANE SooooN.
TS12 splutters along from one database repair to the next with the interval between sprinkled with CM corruptions like config file missing; wrong KUID; File Copy error; 100MB download limit exceeded on a lifetime FCT. No link to Server available.

This is then exacerbated by Server downtime that sends TS12 into a frenzy that slows any offline work that is even remotely possible to a crawl that would make a tortoise look like a Formula 1 racing car. Because I am doing extreme testing with over 300,000 assets (the complete DLS) in my Trainz Asset Database it can take up to three days to recover. Right now my TADDAEMON is reporting 78,000+ assets to validate.

This is also complicated by the shift of previous builtin assets to the DLS that requires increased validation activity. So far I have seen over 1100 and no doubt there will be many more in the next 30 days. Also,there are many creators who are trying to update or upversion their assets in order to upload to the DLS. In my case I am trying to finalise the development of TARDIS, an automated asset repair facility that will enable defective (mostly legacy) assets to be TS12 and TANE compliant. My deadline is TANE's release date. Any server downtime makes that task harder to achieve.

I understand fully that N3V is a small unit by international standards, and that their staff have lives outside of Trainz, but even 30 years ago a 'mainframe' technician had the ability to remotely monitor and reboot if possible. What I don't understand is why it is necessary for the 600,000 plus Trainzers and, in the current development and tuning phases of TANE, the testers and creators to wait so long for restoration of service. How much easier is this today with considerably more bandwidth and better remote monitoring tools to ensure maximum availability of Trainz servers, by either remote means or by communicating with the server farm staff in a more timely fashion.
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OK, time to pile on. If, as Shane suggested, there are contractual ties binding N3V, then we really have a problem. The more popular Trainz becomes and the more people see it, the worse the damage from bad publicity.

JCitron mention something about a National Map Server not being online so it's not just Trainz. Not that it's any excuse but Internet reliability doesn't appear to be a high priority anywhere. Between human error, DoS attacks, equipment failures, etc.

Perhaps N3V needs to rethink the validation process so that it is not so vulnerable to outages.
It's not a "contractual thing" and the third-party issue is a red herring. Even billion-dollar companies like EA and Sony have server issues, to say nothing of the many points-of-failure between you and the servers.

The problem is the validation system itself. You shouldn't need one for your bought-and-paid-for product to function.

I don't have these problems: Other than the minor annoyance of not having being able to access the DLS, I'd have never known there was an issue.