Pacing The Afton Stock Train


Active member
Since this layout is getting close to completion, I figured I'd better try and run a stock train up to the Afton Stock Yard and get some cattle loaded, I of course took my camera along to record these scenes for posterity, the day went as follows.


Heres the Afton stock train coming through Johnson City on its way up the Afton branch.


Heres a shot of the train coming across the Afton River bridge just before reaching the Afton stockyard switch.


Wow! So thats what the inside of a Drovers caboose looks like!


The train has backed down the stockyard spur and is lining up for loading.


Can't beat an experience engineer, he got it spotted just right.


Darn! Its raining and now they expect us to get out and load these blasted cows, and so the loading operation begins.


Now that the train is loaded, and we loaders are all wet, the train will proceed on into Afton to turn the engine and move the caboose to the other end of the train for the return trip to Johnson City, and again, to unload the cattle at the Armour plant......:wave::wave::wave:
Great looking screens. If you think that caboose looks good, look at Sandman2's cabooses online. I use the GN caboose and it is amazing
That GN caboose looks great, so does the MP cab, just downloaded em both, both will be put to good use for sure, thanks for the heads up!!!:wave::wave: