Ostalgie II Route Question


Train Enthusiast
There are two different Ostalgie routes on the DLS. One is simply "Ostalgie II", the other is "Ostalgie II (Epoche 5). Does anyone know which is the most recent? I do know the Ostalgie II has many missing kuids by KlausM which are no longer available and the catenary lines are missing, at least in my downloaded version.

Ostalgie II (Epoche 5) seems to be complete with no missing kuids and it does have all the catenaries in place. Its session however does not seem to be as comprehensive as Ostalgie II.

I enjoy this highly detailed route and would like to augment the sessions but before I do so I would like to make sure that I am working with the latest version.

Any feedback or sugestions would be appreciated.
Epoche 5 is newer and was released due to "Klausm's" assets being unavailable. I think his assets are again available - search his name - download link could be listed in German Forum. Epoche 5 is set in the 90's therefore tunnels and other items are more modern in design. Cheers.
Ostalgie II is a version set in the former DDR ( 1945 - 1990 ) and Ostalgie II Epoche V is set in Germany after the reunification ( 1990 - now ). The Epoche V version was indeed build as a "solution" for the missing KlausM content which nowadays can be obtained again from: http://www.malorny.de/vrails/
Thanks for the clarification and the website for KlausM.

Does anyone know of any additional sessions for Ostalgie II (Epoche 5) other than the one on the DLS.

It seems like this route was built for some pretty sophisticated operations with lots of trackmarks, triggers, and portals. I guess I will start and muddle through the route and see if I can get multiple trains running.

I am using 2004.
I don't know of any, but my guess is that all the triggers and stuff are there in case somebody wants to make some hideously complex session to blow anything Phil Skene could make out of the water.

As for the missing bits, go to the above mention URL and download everything from the site, this should get most of the missing bits for both Ostalgie routes. To my knowledge no newer version exists.

Hello I'm searching for this kuid.
It's in the session of Ostalgie II (epoche V) CMP gives it as missing or incomplete Where could I find kuid 121787:1003008 ?

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