only toys?


since 10 Aug 2002
Is it just me or is anyone else getting tired of the condescending attitude in the us vs them debates? I cringe whenever I read "my simulator is real while your simulator is just a toy" types of posts.

Unless you're controlling 100 tons or so of locomotive, they are all toys, where toys are defined as models that allow you to simulate, there is that word again, the real world.

So let's stick with the facts and leave the attitude at the door. If you like one or the other for any reason or no reason, that's your call but spare me the condescension.
Is it just me or is anyone else getting tired of the condescending attitude in the us vs them debates? I cringe whenever I read "my simulator is real while your simulator is just a toy" types of posts.

Unless you're controlling 100 tons or so of locomotive, they are all toys, where toys are defined as models that allow you to simulate, there is that word again, the real world.

So let's stick with the facts and leave the attitude at the door. If you like one or the other for any reason or no reason, that's your call but spare me the condescension.

Hello MartinVK.........I dont care what its called. I am having the ball of my life, and enjoying every bit of it !!! TRS2004..........:wave: :wave: :wave:
Unless you're controlling 100 tons or so of locomotive, they are all toys, where toys are defined as models that allow you to simulate, there is that word again, the real world.

Nope, you're wrong, to us, anything a human owns and uses for his or her enjoyment is a toy! Be it the real thing, simluated or modelled poorly or accurately, it is still a toy. :)
Well I don't mind what this thing is called myself. It's nearly the best thing to come across since my first kiss (...well nearly). It has fulfilled a life long ambition to drive trams and bring the extensive Glasgow tramway system back from history (as well as driving trains) and a great relaxation and challenge in what I am presently doing. When it's damp, overcast and dreich in Glasgow this brightens things up tremendously. The inventor should get a gong.
Hi Martin,

I pretty much agree with your point of view here.

Something that dissappoints me a little (lot), is that with the release of the new Train Sim, there is a lack of feedback from the point of view as too how we who contribute too the dls can improve matters with our contributions.

There is one exception, and that is the current discussion regarding "Trees and Foliage".

Owners of Krs have stated that the Driver Mode (Cab mode for us Trainzers) is more imersive.

Well that's fine, but, Question. How is it more imersive? What do we have too get our engines too do that improves their behaviour in trainz? What areas are they falling down in?

If People could be more specific with their observations, then those of us who have access too the areas/points raised with Third party (Freeware) content, may be able to do something about it.

I Did put my head on the chopping block in one thread, asking the participants too compare one of the engines I had contributed (The 2006/tc Version Jetstreemsky Silver Jubilee A4) To the steam in KRS, and too give me feedback as to the behaviour in comparison.

Not one, not one, answer ..... Now that is annoying!:(

Anyway I shouldn't be getting on my "High horse about it". But it would be nice to know what needs to be done.

And no, I'm not going out too buy the game myself just too find out.

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Where's John Cleese when you need him?

There's no snobbery quite as amusing as virtual snobbery.