Is it just me or is anyone else getting tired of the condescending attitude in the us vs them debates? I cringe whenever I read "my simulator is real while your simulator is just a toy" types of posts.
Unless you're controlling 100 tons or so of locomotive, they are all toys, where toys are defined as models that allow you to simulate, there is that word again, the real world.
So let's stick with the facts and leave the attitude at the door. If you like one or the other for any reason or no reason, that's your call but spare me the condescension.
Unless you're controlling 100 tons or so of locomotive, they are all toys, where toys are defined as models that allow you to simulate, there is that word again, the real world.
So let's stick with the facts and leave the attitude at the door. If you like one or the other for any reason or no reason, that's your call but spare me the condescension.